When to plant outdoors in U.K.

Hi guys,
I've been growing indoors for years and have always done pretty well. I have been thinking about doing a guerilla grow for ages, well i have finally decided to get it done, but i am assuming it will be quite different to growing indoors, so i am looking for as much info as possible. ie; where to plant, when to plant, what i will need, have big should the plants be when i put them outside, how often should i attend, do i feed the same as indoors, do i have to protect from animals eating them, what sort of preparation do i have to give the plants, i know its quite alot to ask in one thread, but in relation to outdoor grows, i am a complete newby, so any help would be appreciated,
cheers guys:razz:


I've done a couple of outdoor grows, only a plant or two each time, but have been pretty pleased with the results for a rank amateur. I wouldn't stress about getting the plant in super early, I'd be happy from early to mid May. Harvest would depend on the strain - and I don't know much on the particulars, but around mid to late October to early November. Passion#2 and Afghan Kush have both been OK. Might try Iranian Auto this year, everyone seems to rate it - though its £££.
yeah well when you've got a shit load of plants spare and plenty of time, whats to lose, plus i live in the countryside, so have plenty of space to grow some big plants, in terms of monetary value it will cost me pennies, it's just a bit of time,so what can i lose?