When to prune


I want to veg my plants for 45 days I want to prune so I can have more than on top cola what is a good time to prune in that 45 day veg time? I don't want my babies under any stress going into flower. Thanks for any insite on this


I start pruning a couple weeks before flower and do it in sections over a week or two period. I've tried doing all at once but noticed it stopped its pace for almost 7 days before growing on. I would suggest not cutting anything if this is your first grow. Grow the plant naturally and learn how to care for it know what it looks like and produces and enjoy the results when done. next grow you'll know how to care for it and you can move on to techniques to improve yields AKA prune and know what to do when something err's. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
if you want more than one main top cola you can top or FIM or LST. I always use LST, low stress training, it's easy and doesn't stress the plant.