When to put seedlings in ground?

So I have seedlings as pictured below. My question is when should i place them in the ground at my outdoor grow site? Better to do it earlier, like at this stage, or wait till they get bigger and stronger before transplanting them. Other question is do I need to stake them? They are so long and flimsy they aren't growing up.
Thanks for your help, much appreciated.


So try to get them more sun so they don't need to stretch? Also how do i know if i'm overwatering? I give them about half a shot glass of water every other day... that sound cool?


I had a few like that because of very cloudy/no sun days. What I did was add more soil to help support them. When you do plant them, plant them in soil almost all the way up to the first set of leaves...the stem area you bury will grow roots and make them stronger. Get them more light!

Good luck!