when to put under lights?


Well-Known Member
i have some white widow seedlings that are about 5" high and doing very well. i have them on the window ledge at the moment but want to put them unbder lights. I have a 400 watt HPS .
How high should the plants be before i put them on 18-6 under the light as i dont want to fry them.
Also , is there much differance in 18-6 and 24 hour light to veg. Does 24 make a lot of differance.


Well-Known Member
24 hours of light gives your plants an extra 7.5 days of light every month. They will grow faster but sex slower, I usually grow them for a month on 24 then switch to 18/6 for a few weeks to get them to preflower before I switch to 12/12.

If they got a couple of sets of real leaves I say go for it. I would keep it at a distance of a couple of feet for a few days then start lowering it closer, unless they start to stretch in which case I would go a head & lower the light.


Well-Known Member
thanks for your replies guys. Here are two pics of the plants i have. All six are about the same size.
I have a closet grow and these are going to be tranfered to a large grow box that i have used in previous grows.



Well-Known Member
Fuck yea throw those girls under the real light, they look like they are strong enough to handle some HID light. Just start with your light a little further than you will normally keep it, then move it closer over the first 1 or 2 weeks. :peace::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
thanks guys, they are doing well up to now. i hope they all come out fems. I used the same seeds for my last two grows and they were all females so i am hoping these will do the same ?.
I t would be nice to try a new type of seed/plant but its so hard to get them without spending lots of money. Still, white widow is a good strong smoke so i can,t complain.
I will be using the same grow set up as last time (pics attatched) It seems to work really well.



Well-Known Member
I have lowered the light and have a fan and they are doing very well.
not sure if i should top them or just leave them. The last time i had 7 plants in there and got around 8 oz.