When to see Roots from cuttings?


Well-Known Member
I've had some cutting in an aeroponics cloner with sprayers. They've been dipped in a cloning gel and left with the humidity dome on for the first 4 days, yesterday I removed the dome entirely and the cuttings didn't wilt and seem fine. But when I lift the cloner's top off I don't see any roots on any of the cuttings? When should I expect to see some roots ready for transplant? Thanks for the help.

- BD
Most cuttings I have made in rockwool take 1 to 3 weeks to show roots out of the cube, depending on the size of the cutting taken.

For aero cuttings I'd expect to halve those numbers , based on the size of the cuttings. I dont' do aero so I can't tell you for definite.

As you don't have any media to hide the roots, I'd expect to see some development within a week.
Also depends how jacked up the plant was when you took the cuttings,Ive played around with this.
Flush a plant let sit a few days then cut =quick roots plant yellows fast.
Jacked up on nutes ,cut takes much longer to root but stays green for weeks.
Yeah I second Dodgey...bare absolute minimum of a week, maximum of 3 weeks. All you can do is wait and provide it with all it needs to get going. Your cuttings probably will be fine without a dome as long as you don't allow the humidity in their space fall below 50-60%, preferrably a bit higher.
In order to keep the humidity high, should I mist them and add some foliar feed such as super thrive? Thanks for your help everyone.

- BD
I'm not sure that I'd foilar feed quite yet, although I haven't taken clones in a few years so I'm not expert on them and their feeding habits. Either way, I'm sure they would love a good misting a few times a day :) Once roots pop out you can lay off the misting, as I know it can be a pain to do if you've a big bunch of clones. Perhaps you can foilar feed if your clones begin to yellow and look hungry?
In my aerocloner roots show up at 10 days, and by day 14 you'll have those picture worthy roots.
At that point the clones should yellow slightly, and can be fed at 1/4 to 1/2 strength(Don't feed before roots show)

I never needed a dome or misting with my aerocloner, even with RH at 30%. The cuttings get there water from the sprayers.
Oh damn, I've been feeding at like 200ppm, I heard it helps. Going to change out the water to plain pHed water
Well shit... So I switched it to pHed tap water, put in some super thrive and beneficial bacteria; ill check the ppm.
So the ppm is 60, should I add some nutes and bring it up a little bit along with some cal mag or just leave it be?
So the ppm is 60, should I add some nutes and bring it up a little bit along with some cal mag or just leave it be?

I'd just leave it be.

You could add cal/mag...

and then kick back for a couple days, and the roots will show up
I root in dirt in solo cups, no powders or gels just throw it in there, pretty much 100% success and roots out the bottom of the cup in 2 weeks <shrug>
So basically what everyone does is just put in their version of a cloner, then just basically turn it on / water it and leave it alone for 2 weeks?
So basically what everyone does is just put in their version of a cloner, then just basically turn it on / water it and leave it alone for 2 weeks?

I've had 100% success with simple bubble cloner. 20 sites, (4) 8inch air stones connected to air pump. Straight tap water, no nutes no pH adjusting no hormones. Take cuttings and goes straight into cloner, some root in as little as 8 days but usually all have rooted by day 14 easily. I dont see it getting much easier than this. No need for humidity dome, spraying clones or any of that. Set it and forget it.
4 days is very short, so don't panic.
There are many reasons why roots can take longer.
The strain. Some just take longer.
The mother. Was she in good shape?
The temperature. Lower temperatures slow things down.
The quality of your tapwater. High EC or high or very low pH.
Something with Auxine (google it) might help. But even without it, roots will come.