when to smoke

el shaggy

Well-Known Member
Wake and Bake is great.
I think there is something really good and unexplainable about a 4:20pm smoke.
Right after work is the best, cause your mind is so wound up. Yea after work is bestest.


New Member
atleast 3 times a day 12 pm , 4 20 pm , 12 am and a grip in between the way i see it is 3 meals a day how bout 3 sessions a day?? HAHA


Well-Known Member
After all the school shit is done and after all the work is done.
Weed is a drug. If ya dont manage it. It will fuck you up.


Well-Known Member
Well i usually smoke a blunt before school.. I'm kinda pissed tho because i've never actually smoked AT 4:20... But this time i definently will!


Active Member
My favourite time to smoke is around 9 p.m.

Grab a snack, sit down, rip your bong-thoroughly, and either watch Late Night shows or fuck around on the computer and play WoW or Warhammer Mark of Chaos.

Getting stoned makes you feel better on a whole other level if you already feel great from a full day of gettin' shit done.


Well-Known Member
I smoke all the time. b/c i suffer from Bi Polar so it calms me down. so I smoke whenever I can and play CSS and shit :D


Well-Known Member
2 best time are at 445 in the morning when i wake up and when i get home after a long day of hard work... cant beat either of those I feel like any other time is wasteful... but smoke it any way lol


Active Member
On the weekdays I love burning when I get off of work. I just relax put on some TV, check out the internet, see if theres waves (if theres waves i postpone smoking untill after sesh) and ust break up a frosty nug and pack it in my bong.
On te weekends I like to be high all day :peace:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
"You know that it is better to smoke that shit said in the morning time! Cuz when you wake you bake you know that everything gon be just fine soo fine!"
-Slighlty Stoopid