When to start flowering stage(12/12)


Active Member
you are looking for clyax(think its spelt wrong,development look at the point where branches are coming from main stem look for little pods probly 2 per branch this tells you plant is ready for flowering,usually about 1 half foot tall you will start to see them


Well-Known Member
you are looking for clyax(think its spelt wrong,development look at the point where branches are coming from main stem look for little pods probly 2 per branch this tells you plant is ready for flowering,usually about 1 half foot tall you will start to see them
You get an "A" for effort my man, but the calyx is what the pistils(white hairs) grow from, but they have nothing to do with when a plant is mature. According to the grow guide, when a plant starts growing "alternating internodes" it is sexually mature and is ready to grow to it's full potential. That usually happens at 5 or 6 weeks. That's not to say that you can't flower a plant before then. Lots of ppl on RUI flower before the alternating nodes occur with outstanding results. But to answer your question, alternating internodes is what your looking for.


Well-Known Member
is that wat you guys are talking about
No, what you're pointing at is just new growth. Look in the "GrowFAQs" bro. There's pictures of everything you could want to know. Also, your plant is a bit small for five weeks in veg. What kind of lights are you using? Look at this picture. This is a plant at six weeks under CFL's. See what I'm saying?



Well-Known Member
At this point you can flower whenever you want,, it is all up to you and how big you want your plant to get,,,,,You can flower now if you want and if it is not mature enough it wont show preflowers until it is mature enough,, but your pretty close,,, just make sure you have room for it if it doubles or sometimes triples in size....good luck:peace:......


Well-Known Member
You can flower it now if you want, like apasunee said. You'll end up with about an 1/4 of an ounce dry weight when you're done, but you can definately flower it now.:rolleyes: I'm assuming you want to harvest some weed after growing your plant for 14-16 weeks, no? Let the plant grow until it's AT LEAST 18" tall, 2 feet would be better, then flower it and you might end up with a couple of zips in the end. Just seems a waste to me to wait all that time to harvest a few doobs. Good luck bro, I'm out!


Well-Known Member
And we all know how hard it is to wait another minute let alone a few weeks,, but,, the longer the better its all up to you...:peace:.....


Well-Known Member

Don't wait, unless you can handle large plants.

To keep things small and tight flower at about 12-18" plant height or at 4 weeks. If you want some really tight plants try topping or fimming around week 3-4. The plants will continue to veg for about 2 weeks when switching to 12/12 and they can easily grow 2-3x their size in 4 weeks of flowering. 6 weeks the buds should be swelling!!! At 8-12 weeks, depending on strain, they will be reaching maturity.

Harvesting the mature buds up top and leave the smaller immature buds on the plant for another 2 weeks to mature.

There are more in-depth reasons for all of this.. but this is pretty much a watered down version.




Well-Known Member
And we all know how hard it is to wait another minute let alone a few weeks,, but,, the longer the better its all up to you...:peace:.....
"One minute seems like a lifetime"(Zeppelin) when you're waiting for your plant to finish, that's for sure.:weed: One other thing, it would be a good idea to put that baby in a bigger pot, at least one gallon, before you do anything else. It's prolly a little rootbound from being in that little pot for 5 weeks. I think you'll see a huge growth spurt once it's got room to spread its root system. Try it out.


Active Member
damn dud antman i got 4 tube flouresents 18in...and a cfl13wat...u think its cause their not in a big enought pot???ur shit growin like crazy


Well-Known Member
damn dud antman i got 4 tube flouresents 18in...and a cfl13wat...u think its cause their not in a big enought pot???ur shit growin like crazy
Definitely chokin' the shit outta them roots in that pot for 5 weeks. Like I said bro, transplant into the biggest pot your growspace can can accommodate, and watch that thing get big.


Well-Known Member
I use three 125W CFL's to veg, just so I can put them real close(no heat), and a 1000W HPS to flower.


Active Member
k if i were to put them in flowering rite now it wont really kicki n for a week or two rite...also if i did that they would prolly double in size and if i got buds and didnt harvest could i let em grow bigger for bigger buds


Well-Known Member
k if i were to put them in flowering rite now it wont really kicki n for a week or two rite...also if i did that they would prolly double in size and if i got buds and didnt harvest could i let em grow bigger for bigger buds
Do some more reading. There is plenty of information on this site just waiting for you.





Active Member
you are looking for clyax(think its spelt wrong,development look at the point where branches are coming from main stem look for little pods probly 2 per branch this tells you plant is ready for flowering,usually about 1 half foot tall you will start to see them
no...that tells you the plant has started to flower...