when to start flowering

Hey my plant is only three weeks old but when should i change the light schedule to 12-12 and start flowering, the plant is about 8 inches but i've heard of people starting as early as 1 month?


Active Member
Hey my plant is only three weeks old but when should i change the light schedule to 12-12 and start flowering, the plant is about 8 inches but i've heard of people starting as early as 1 month?
Depends on how much bud you want. There is some people who start doing 12/12 from seedling but their plant only grows to about a foot or so and the yield is pretty low. I would give it time, unless you want less bud. :-?


bud bootlegger
it mainly depends on how much space that you have in your grow area.. you have to remember that most indicas will likely double in size from the size that you flip the lights to when it finishes, and sativa's may even triple in size.. so, if you have only thrity inches total to play with, you would want to flip a sativa at say ten inches, and an indica at like 15.. of course different strains have more or less of a tendency to stretch than others do, so a lil knowledge of your strains goes a long way in this area..
and also, like the above poster said, a plant that has had more veg time will yield more than one with shorter veg time.... i always believe it is better to let the plant veg longer.. you will know when i plant has goten near its sexual maturiry to when it stops putting out nodes, ie branches, evenly... if you notice that when a plant starts out, every set of branches will come out evenly, one on either side of the stem, and as it gets older and near sexual maturity, it will stop this and will start producing uneven nodes. when i see the uneven nodes, it tells me that the plant is about ready to flower, so i take this as the time to flip them to 12/12..

Mr Bomb

Active Member
It depends on what size you want your plant to end up as. I veg for 2 months before switching to a 12/12 and this gives some nice size plants with great yield. Overall about 4 ft in height.