when to start monitoring pH?


Well-Known Member
my ladies are both about 2.5 weeks or younger and are in dixie cups.

unfortunately, i have a fish tank pH tester where its a little "pill" of sorts that you submerge in the liquid and it gives a reading. its slightly big, and cheap, so finding enough run off to completely submerge it will be a hassle, so id like to do it as infrequently as possible.

with this being said, about what point in the grow does monitoring pH really matter? i know during flower its mucho important, but should i not even bother till i transplant to bigger pots?

also, how often should i test the run off? do i test the run off after putting water through the pot, or when i add fertilizer?

thanks for the help!


Well-Known Member
pH is one of the most important aspects of growing.

get a different style pH tester. the drop tester just uses a couple ml per test.

pH should be corrected on the watering side each time you add water but checking the run off's pH does not have to be done as often. when you prepare your water, add the nutes first then check the pH level and correct.

i would suggest checking your run off once a week to get started and then you can probably reduce that drastically once you get an idea of how your grow actually works.

the reason for checking pH in the water is so that you can insure proper nutrient absorption into the plants.

the reason to test the run off pH is too make sure you dont have a toxic build up of salts in your grow medium.


Well-Known Member
pH is one of the most important aspects of growing.

get a different style pH tester. the drop tester just uses a couple ml per test.

pH should be corrected on the watering side each time you add water but checking the run off's pH does not have to be done as often. when you prepare your water, add the nutes first then check the pH level and correct.

i would suggest checking your run off once a week to get started and then you can probably reduce that drastically once you get an idea of how your grow actually works.

the reason for checking pH in the water is so that you can insure proper nutrient absorption into the plants.

the reason to test the run off pH is too make sure you dont have a toxic build up of salts in your grow medium.
That is an excellent answer. Great post. Right on the money. No needs to post after that one.