WHen to start nutes

At what point do I start germinated planted seedling to nutrients? I was thinking when there roots get them to a half gallon container. How far along should the root system be to start nutrients? I heard here once not to give any nutes till week 3, and only quater strength at that. If I did that at what point could I give the plant a full does of nutes?

Connoisseurus Rex

Well-Known Member
Well you will get a lot of varying answers. I asked the same question about a week ago. I just said the hell with it and waited til it was at the second node and started feeding it 1/8th nutes around the outside of the cup. Not one single burn. They are up to half strength now at 2 weeks and 3 weeks old. Not saying you should do this... Just saying use your judgement before you act on all the replies.


Well-Known Member
a lot of depending situations. every body would have a different answer. I suggest 1/4 in hydro and 1/4 still in soil until there 3 inches tall then use 1/2 until 6 inches then full until its as tall as you like. depends on what your using, if you using off the wall stuff from homedepot like a 10 10 10 number. then I would start at 1/2 strength they will be great. now if your using a advanced nutrients you have to read the feeding table. tell us what your using


Well-Known Member
after about a week or two start off really light tho and make sure you cheaking the PH,reminds me of the first time i tried crack just a little but now i can smoke a gram to the face my mom would be so proud lol


Well-Known Member
you can but when a plant is flowering it needs different nutes than when its vegging so its not ideal and you might lock some shit out or even hurt your plant


Well-Known Member
UJB wrote: at what point could I give the plant a full does of nutes?
You may never need or want to go to full nutes. Many nute burns are caused by people following directions on the bottle...which are usually way too high.


Well-Known Member
you have to build up to full nutes all plants are different i had 3 ak48 plants and they all liked a diff amount of nutes u need to build them up to it


Well-Known Member
this is a good thread and im following it because I have the same question. My plants are about 2-3 weeks old should I start nutes soon? They look really healthy I don't wanna hurt them.

Connoisseurus Rex

Well-Known Member
this is a good thread and im following it because I have the same question. My plants are about 2-3 weeks old should I start nutes soon? They look really healthy I don't wanna hurt them.
Sure. Just start them at about 1/8 to 1/4 strength every 3 days. See how they like it. If the tips start to turn yellow, flush and wait a bit.