When to start on nutes


New Member
Hey everyone, first post, first time grower. I have five seedlings, all have the first leaves each are about two inches tall. They haven't lost their seedling leaves yet. I don't know when to start the nutrients? I'll be running aeroponics with these. Any help is very apappreciated!


Well-Known Member
Depending on what soil you use is varies.

I use biobizz all mix and that's got enough nutrients in it to last for at least 2-3 weeks then you can start using grow nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Usually wait for the 2nd to 3rd set of leaves I start a very weak solution on 2nd set of leaves and slowly up the strength as they grow you mainly want to stimulate root growth in the first few weeks tho this is done by using root stimulates such as seasol any (non fertilizer) seaweed based plant tonic will work well mix lightly strong roots = strong plant and better growth to much nitrogen to soon will just cause problems down the track


Well-Known Member
With aero, you need to feed lightly from the beginning. You will need a PPM tester if you do hydro. I start at 300 PPM for 1 week seedlings, ( Clonex liquid for seedlings is mint), and then increase by 100 PPM each week until 3 weeks before harvest, which at that point I reduce down 100 PPM, each week to act as a flush. So, starting at 300 PPM, with roughly 4 week veg, that will give you 700 PPM entering bloom. 5 weeks bloom will bring you to 1200 PPM, and at that point you start to drop back, to finish at say around 800 PPM. That works for me with a normal feeder. Some plants could take more if you really want to push it, but my formula is a pretty safe bet. Good luck


New Member
Thanks for the feed back! Follow up question, jimdamick is the clonex the solution for cloning? right now they're in a growdome under a hps light. the seedlings are in rockwool plugs.
Once they are ready to transplant I'll be moving them to aeroponic reservoir.


Well-Known Member
personally i start a very light nute feed from week 2 and just keep uping it each week. just watch for signs of burn