When to stop feeding her!?

So to put a very long story short, a have a particular lady that just wants to keep going and going and going! She has been flowering at least 9 weeks at this point if not 10, and under a scope of 80x she is still 70% milky and 30% clear on all the buds. I check her every day but she just seems to keep swelling, which is odd to complain about?

A little more on her history/strain. She was a floor seed once found in my bathroom, got soaked in water for 2 weeks because i completely forgot about it, thrown into 3 cubic inches of regular old potting soil, and grown on cfl all the way to flower. She was re-potted accordingly as needed leading up to flowering, shes sitting in a 3.5 gallon container. As far as strain your guess is as good as mine! She smells and is growing a tad kushy yet has a nice hint of fruity stank to her if you pay attention closely.

Basically after I remembered i started the seed in water and sprouted it, I vowed to it I would do my best to ensure she has everything she would need the rest of her life if indeed she were a female....male was going to end up outdoor so thank goodness shes here! She was such a trooper, so proud.

So to wrap this shit up, shes under 225w led, hasn't been fed for the last week (3-4 waterings), isn't showing much signs of suffering, nice and green lushy color. She grew up on bare minimal due to near to none finances on my end pretty much up until flowering when she got her lighting stepped up. Since the start of flower she got organic dr earth basic fertilizer (all I had, i know tisk tisk but not too bad), then from about week 3 and on in flower she has been on Big Bloom from FoxFarm, and the last 4 weeks on TigerBloom from FoxFarm.

Question is simple: When the fuck can I finally stop feeding her! Judging by scoping her and looking for the ratio of milky and amber glands, about what time would be a safe time to just flush her out with water before harvesting her finally after 10 or 11 weeks lol. Not too sure, sorry for the ramble but trying to get the best input I can. Thanks to all for the patience of a noob


Well-Known Member
Ever have pot that snapped, crackled and popped? It was from some knob that fed until he chopped instead of flushing.

Milo 420

Well-Known Member
Idk now a days they say you don't have to because I could see the nutrients back in the day being much more chemically compounded then today's nutrients which are a lot less harsh chemicals and a lot more natural shit I smoked weed both ways as long as its dried and cured right you'll be alright lower nutrients instead of cut off your choice
Go ahead and continue starving your plants before harvest, makes no difference to me. You're only diminishing your yield and flavor every day you do so. Suggesting others do the same is a big disservice to the community, though. Shame on you.

Who are these so called ex-spurts you are referring to? The two links you provided are to a couple of blogs penned by unknown authors, just parroting the same tired flushing myths I've heard for over a decade, with no references to any factual information. Anyone can buy up webspace and are free to write whatever they feel like, factual or not. Appeal to authority fallacy much?

Keep talking trash and hurling insults, I know my bud is infinitely better since I don't have to resort to tired old BS techniques with no foundation in horticulture in attempts to make it taste and burn better. Feeding up until chop, then a proper dry and long cure is all that is needed for the best smoke.


Active Member
I once read from a Jorge Cervantes book that you can stop feeding her two weeks before harvesting and then use plain water and flush the plant to improve the taste when smoking.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
After almost 3 months of extensive feeding, there are more than enough nutes in the root system for it to grow another 3 months without any real issues. I stop feeding about 2 weeks before harvest to clean up the leafs ( feed them only water) , and at the same time start to reduce an hour of on time per week. I reduce the lighting on time to save money and try to mimic fall lighting cycles.. Same with nutes. The bud you got now, at 9 weeks is what you will be smoking or selling anyway. All the food in the world ain't going to make that bud bigger now. Stop feeding and cut.


Well-Known Member
I'm convinced flushing is a technique that's been held over from the days of poor general use nutrients that had to be applied at high rates..so flushing excess nutrients/salts was necessary. With today's nutrients, especially canna specific lines, as long as you aren't overfeeding you don't need to flush, just taper off nute strength towards the end to lower levels, but don't starve the plants. I'm talking 1/8-1/16 of full strength..keeping a trace amount nutes available. Until the plant is chopped..or naturally dies, it needs some nutrients. Nowhere in nature is a plant totally deprived of nutrients at the end of it's life cycle.

Medium also plays a role..I'd stop feeding additional nutes in soil about 1.5-2 weeks before harvest, depending on if it's an amended soil or just a base. In hydro i run nutes right to the last week, tapering strength down the last 2 weeks, then do 24-48hr of RO only before i chop, which i do more to flush my systems of buildup, than to flush the plants.