when to switch from bloom to bud nutes

yea bloom nutes are used from flip til death do them part..lol bud boosters like big bud and bud candy are given usually in the 2nd-6th week of bloom. and bud candy can be given til harvest.
Here's the nutes I have.
I'm using the "bloom" nutrients now. Bloom is weeks 1-4 and bud stage is wk 4and on.

So I'm assuming I switch to my "bud" nutes when I start wk 4? 20200926_224148.jpg
so since stretch is done by wk4 and now its all ab the buds.

I should switch to 0-0-5 from then on and stop 2wk before harvest?
it say's it replenishes the soil with the added nutrients in that ratio for each bottle. I'm gonna read more up on it. Have you noticed any issues during veg? What medium is it again?
I did skip the first stage. Didn't give bloom until 1wk into flower. And have been slowly upping the amnt
She may need both nutes used in flowering stage. Bloom and bud. Bloom may be the token bloom nute and the bud just has some bud enhancers? Still can't find any reads on it.
i basically run 20-10-20 the entire time.... iv tested a lot of differrent combos... and to be hoinest it doesnt seem to make all that much of a difference... but iv ran differeent ECs.... and that semed to makea huge difference 1.2 - 1.4 seems to be the best... so i worry much more about strength of nutrient... 20-10-20 the whole time.. 1.2 early veg to 1.4 at the max of flower... the reason i do this is like i said iv rana bunch of different npk combos and honestly couldnt find a huge difference then i heard bruce bugbee say 20-10-20 straight thru is where u want to be... sometimes durring flower i will add some P and K mid to late flower because thats kinda been the logic for a long time... but in terms of the best science out there and not some nutrient manufactorer.. i think bugbee is where u want to be...
i dont trust a single thing coming from a nutrient product manufacturer... especially if they contain water... its just a way to charge u more..
peep this video.... id watch the whole thing but u can skip to the 25 minute mark or so when he starts going over his soil mix and nutrients... his watering method is simple to get... the only reason i mention the soil mix is because if u dont have his soil mix ull have to maek some minor adjustments to ur ph when u water.. but its the easiest and iv found best watering method... and like i said i consider bugbee the prime resource for anything weed related... this is the guy w the best equipment.. keeps finding different data than product manufactures... and is the guy NASA turns to when they want to learn the best way to grow plants in space or on mars...
