i basically run 20-10-20 the entire time.... iv tested a lot of differrent combos... and to be hoinest it doesnt seem to make all that much of a difference... but iv ran differeent ECs.... and that semed to makea huge difference 1.2 - 1.4 seems to be the best... so i worry much more about strength of nutrient... 20-10-20 the whole time.. 1.2 early veg to 1.4 at the max of flower... the reason i do this is like i said iv rana bunch of different npk combos and honestly couldnt find a huge difference then i heard bruce bugbee say 20-10-20 straight thru is where u want to be... sometimes durring flower i will add some P and K mid to late flower because thats kinda been the logic for a long time... but in terms of the best science out there and not some nutrient manufactorer.. i think bugbee is where u want to be...
i dont trust a single thing coming from a nutrient product manufacturer... especially if they contain water... its just a way to charge u more..