when to switch to 12/12

6 seeds have been planted exactly 2 months ago today, all were female, (all but 2 showing pistils, however i can see the pistillate primordia on them both and know for damn sure thats where the pistils will pop out since i have monitored it very closely on the other 4). I have a few questions. One, when should they switch to 12/12? Two, when they are switched, will they stop vertical growth? And three, are buds just going to form where the pistils are now or are they going to continue to grow new foliage and new areas to form bud?


Well-Known Member
when you switch to 12/12 depends on how much light and height you got plants will stretch 2 to 3 times the size in the first 2 weeks of 12/12
Cool, well there is plenty of room to grow upward, the lights are easy as hell to move up and down as well. The lights however are not the best but they are being used since this is more of a learning experience. 4 42w t-12 6500k hanging horizontally above, 2 32w t8 4100k and 2 32w t8 3500k hanging vertically on the side walls. There will be a few 2ft t5 3500-5000k reds hung vertically along the backside of the wall when they switch to 12/12 so more light can access the lower parts. Iv done lots of research, even own a copy of Jeorge Cervantes indoor/outdoor horticulture book, but it surprisingly says nothing about when a good time to switch is. Scrolling through thousands and thousands of threads on here gets boring for even the most stoned stoner! Though id post a new thread on it cause I couldnt find one like it


Active Member
the 4100 and 3500 are pretty much useless. the plant does not take in light in those wavelengths very efficiently. I'd replace them with more 6500's while in veg, and 2700's in flower. As far as the best time to switch it's a matter of personal preference. Just always remember that the plant will double in size once you start on 12/12, so as long as you've got the space....the bigger the better IMO!!


Haha you vegged them for 2 month? They will be big as hell! put them to 12/12 now stativas grow about 3 times there size when put in flower and about 2 times for indica, upload pics then its easier to tell :)

Peace bromigos!