when to take a clone


Well-Known Member
I don't know if it's time to clone or not, but I'm about a week into flowering...and the plant is big enough now????

And where is the suggested place to take your clone(s)?

I'll have a better pic soon


Well-Known Member
Okay here is a good link. https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/4467-when-clone-what-do.html?highlight=cloning

Remember drochoker, a lot of your questions have probably already been answered. You can Search by using the SEARCH to the top rightish of the page. You can search whatever you need help on and WALA!! You might have to skim around, but most of the information is there. I have done this a few times. If you have a generic question, that is the best place to go!!


Well-Known Member
Yes, but a cutting taken while the stock plant is flowering will need to be forced to revert back to a vegetative state under 24 hour light. This causes additional stress, slowing growth and development. Rooting may take up to three times longer when the cuttings are taken during the flowering cycle. The cutting may not have enough stored nutrients or carbohydrates to survive. If you must do this then take the cutting when the mother plant is only a week or two into flowering.


Well-Known Member
I'm new to ccloning as well. So would you say the best time to take clones is about a week before you switch to flower?