i only use a 400w, so i was thinking of trimming most everything over 3 feet from my light, that seems to be were my lumens drop big time, could be wrong though, might be 4 feet.
400w best lumens are 2ft max. 3ft-4ft is acceptable. anything past that wont produce much.
if they are bushy, cut anything off that is shaded. dont always need to cut off all of a lower branch, just the lower nodes.
Thanks for the info man, a lot of hate on lollipopping around the net, i just checked my babes out and they dont really look that bad imo. Gonna hold off since ive always got good results not doing it. I did however clean out dead shit under there.
I think cutting is usually done just before your want to swap to flower/and during the expand i think friend. But you have done so already so just begin cutting away now friend.
I usually try and trim during last week in veg, then I try and keep trimming it up every week till the 4th or so week into flower. Try not to cut out too much as it will stress her. This is why I cut out some then go back a week later. It is easy to stress her out. Hope it helps. GL
i actually decided not to cut anything except dead leaves, which basically were falling off anyway. only reason is because everything looks really alive down there