When will Donald blow and who is gonna go to jail, best guesses

What will Donald do now?

  • Have a nervous break down

  • Tied to a chair squirming with a ball gag in his mouth

  • Heart attack or stroke

  • Run to Vlad on AF1 when the trial starts (best) I'll bet people are watching for it.

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Well-Known Member
Donald is done and he might be gone sooner than expected, if Pence resigns Nancy is POTUS. She does not want the job, she wants Mike Pence to have the job until 2021. Nancy is wise, she owns Pence like Putin owns Trump and will make the bastard sign an abortion rights bill and a bunch of other stuff he won't like. !:)

Nancy will own Moscow Mitch too...

List those you think will end up in prison?

How many total will go to prison, watergate there were 70 who were fucked?

How much bigger is this scandal and how many assholes are gonna go to jail. 100, 200, 400, 600, 800...

Who will be the GOP nominee in 2020, not Pence, he will have the blame and might stay out of jail.
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He's having a nervous breakdown now and has been for some time. We're watching it in real time. It's wild, but I'd vote he scrams to Russia to avoid prison. Will bromance partner Putin accept him? I don't know. I suspect he would, but only if Don Stool had something to trade, like secrets...and he does. Trump, at some point, must regret this publicity stunt that ended up wrong. It appears his middle aged wife already does. Hey, let's write a book! Capitalize it!
My assessment of Donald Trump
Donald's cognitive issues are easy to see, his lack of social and emotional skills are obvious to any body with eyes, he is impulsive, has no morals or ethics, uses deceitful manipulative behavior, is a fabulist and a compulsive liar, whose volume of lies increases with his stress level. Donald has neurolinguistic difficulties, he has no empathy and therefore no compassion and has no conscience and therefore no internal brakes on his emotional control, he rages in private and inside is a most unhappy sociopath. Nothing is sacred to such a man and others are mere objects for their selfish desires, the constitution is as meaningless to him as the law or the rights of others. A man with out a friend in the world, alone in the wilderness, scarred and scared, he is terrified about the future. He knows that the tribe is hunting him down and will kill him for antisocial acts. He is a criminal, an abuser, a rapist, con artist, thief, racist, a traitor......
Get the idea.
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He's having a nervous breakdown now and has been for some time. We're watching it in real time. It's wild, but I'd vote he scrams to Russia to avoid prison. Will bromance partner Putin accept him? I don't know. I suspect he would, but only if Don Stool had something to trade, like secrets...and he does. Trump, at some point, must regret this publicity stunt that ended up wrong. It appears his middle aged wife already does. Hey, let's write a book! Capitalize it!
Looking at him on TV, he is stressed big time, he is a pussy, nervous break down or the big one. He is sweating now, Donald never had to face a real challenge in his life, a life of indolence and dissipation, fat and in bad shape. Cortisol is a stress hormone and is strongly associated in heart attacks in the preceding 90 days. Donald is headed for disaster one way or another and soon too. 10 minutes of meditation clears it out, either that or run 5 miles, take yer pick!


"What is cortisol and how does it work?
Because most bodily cells have cortisol receptors, it affects many different functions in the body. Cortisol can help control blood sugar levels, regulate metabolism, help reduce inflammation, and assist with memory formulation. It has a controlling effect on salt and water balance and helps control blood pressure."
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I don't think anyone is going to jail. I heard the Bidens have already contacted the Clintons to clean (drop bodies) up the mess
I don't think anyone is going to jail. I heard the Bidens have already contacted the Clintons to clean (drop bodies) up the mess
Dongle ya made me shit my pants laughing, fuck are you stupid, Jesus Christ, it's like ya got brain parts missing!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Nothing... Nothing will happen. He might get impeached, but he will never go to Jail. Everyone in washington has dirt on everyone. As a businessman he has dirt on all the big dogs for the last 30 years. As they have dirt on him as well.... If one cracks the entire house of cards will go down both Right and Left. People will start getting whacked.
Nothing... Nothing will happen. He might get impeached, but he will never go to Jail. Everyone in washington has dirt on everyone. As a businessman he has dirt on all the big dogs for the last 30 years. As they have dirt on him as well.... If one cracks the entire house of cards will go down both Right and Left. People will start getting whacked.
He WILL go to jail along with hundreds of others. You don't do that to uncle SAM, they will pay, watch the news, Mitch is gonna throw Donald under the bus
Fmr. Intel Official: Trump Aides Could Face Criminal Exposure | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

He had a much higher chance of being assassinated than going to jail. Did HW go to jail for brownstone? Did Hillary go to jail for illegal arms deals? These people don’t go to jail. Look at the recession. How many bankers went to jail? Only one that I know of.
He had a much higher chance of being assassinated than going to jail. Did HW go to jail for brownstone? Did Hillary go to jail for illegal arms deals? These people don’t go to jail. Look at the recession. How many bankers went to jail? Only one that I know of.
He's going down no doubt. You are not think about this correctly, sounds like your depressed