When will Donald blow and who is gonna go to jail, best guesses

What will Donald do now?

  • Have a nervous break down

  • Tied to a chair squirming with a ball gag in his mouth

  • Heart attack or stroke

  • Run to Vlad on AF1 when the trial starts (best) I'll bet people are watching for it.

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Gee Dongle that was a complete articulate sentence. This must be important to you. You don't seem upset at all comrade!
Hi friend.
trump is a pathetic mess, increasingly divorced from reality and enraged with all and all around him. Malevolent and sadistic to his core. Believes ignorant Fux news conspiracy shit over our own intel services.

This guy is a candidate for institutional treatment until and if he is ever no longer a clear danger to the people of the US and the World.
Hi friend.
Superficial charm is an another trait of sociopaths (forgot to mention that;)). Ya just told everybody who you really are Dongle. A snake. Thanks for that. I'm sure buck will find it interesting, so will others. You are also a stupid sociopath, which is why ya wear out so many socks! Socially and emotionally retarded.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Go get him boys, have fun. Off fur a spell. The tribe is after yer ass now Dongle!;)
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Wait until next week, the reporters are working weekends now and I'll bet the WH is gonna leak like a sieve, as others.

When they get Rudy in the hot seat it will be all over...

Where Is The Ukraine Investigation Going? Five Depositions Over Next Two Weeks | MTP Daily | MSNBC

that and what exists on Dumpy's super secret server..
Horse shit yer a psycho and ya live alone and yer far too stupid to fly a racing quad. That takes, guts, determination, skill, intelligence and technical knowledge, Character.

You have no character Dongle, yer full of shit, yer just a loser and a liar, just like Donald, the assessment fits you too,
perfectly. You'll also end up in the same place Donald is going to, maybe ya can be asshole buddy's, if ya draw the same cell. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:...
AWWWW! Is someone jelly? While you're watching drones on youtube, I'll be flying mine and riding my Harley. Sucks to be you.
a play on your title..do you disagree?

<insert 80s Trump pic with pile of blow now missing from the web here>
Just watching Dongle, specializing in antisocial personalities, Dongle is a psycho who just gave himself away, a poor version of Donald, a pathetic loser.
Just watching Dongle, specializing in antisocial personalities, Dongle is a psycho who just gave himself away, a poor version of Donald, a pathetic loser.
You are one spiteful human turd. Your diagnosis are so far from reality, it's comical. You can ride bitch on my Harley. I would film you on my drone but your mom was correct when she said that you had a face for radio.
Don't be jelly. It's not your fault you were dealt the hand you were dealt. I bet you've done good for yourself, considering your low iq.
I've done real well Dongle and I owe most of it to my practice and years of training. I learned that putting others before myself is the key to happiness for normal humans, people make a mistake though, putting your kind first.

In real life I could look through you like glass in seconds, with in a hour of interaction with you, I would know everything important about you. Yer an asshole...
Weather is improving gotta fly soon, batteries are on charge now, what kind and how many MAH are they and what type?

What kind of FPV goggles do ya think I use?

What FPV video frequency range do I use for long range work 980 MHZ, 1.4GHZ, 2.4GHZ, or 5.8GHZ?

Know anything about F-4 or F-7 flight controllers, type away...

How about betaflight. Love to talk drone! even with a psycho! Don't know many who fly though, too stupid.
I've done real well Dongle and I owe most of it to my practice and years of training. I learned that putting others before myself is the key to happiness for normal humans, people make a mistake though, putting your kind first.

In real life I could look through you like glass in seconds, with in a hour of interaction with you, I would know everything important about you. Yer an asshole...
Weather is improving gotta fly soon, batteries are on charge now, what kind and how many MAH are they and what type?

What kind of FPV goggles do ya think I use?

What FPV video frequency range do I use for long range work 980 MHZ, 1.4GHZ, 2.4GHZ, or 5.8GHZ?

Know anything about F-4 or F-7 flight controllers, type away...

How about betaflight. Love to talk drone! even with a psycho! Don't know many who fly though, too stupid.
What kind of drone do you have? If you really have a drone, post a picture of it. Write on a piece of paper, Dongage, and put that paper on your drone. That is if you actually own a drone.