When will it start to smell?


First time grower obviously, but like right now it's more of an earthy planty smell. Will it stay like that or will it eventually go into "there's weed in here" thingy, i'm 3 1/2 weeks into veg, doing LST so gna flower in a month maybe. Anyways. Yeah. smell


Active Member
there isn't anything to cause a ''weed'' smell yet because you havent started to flower. i would have odor prevention all ready within the first two weeks of flowering, they'll really start to smell more and more once trich and bub production kicks in.


Well-Known Member
im 3 weeks into flower and it doesn't smell, unless i stick my head into the grow box and even then its just a slight smell, some strains smell more then others

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
some strains smell like fruits when flowering, depends on the strain, also Ive heard growing in soil gives out more taste, maybe its the same with smell .. (could be wrong)

Depends prolly on growing medium, nutrients, and strain choice


Active Member
Figure on odor control about mid flower, 3-4 weeks. I run filters throught the entire grow. Keeps air cleaner and Its worth me not worrying. Got home one day, 4 weeks into flower, and could smell it in the driveway. Next day I was ordering a filter. Some strains smell a lot more than others. Also, if you have fans blowing across your plants to help reduce chances of mold, they will smell strongly in the breeze. My advice, get smell taken control of BEFORE you need it. Happy growing to ya!!


Active Member
It will start to smell, like HeavilyMedicated said the only reason there is smell of bud yet is because there is no "bud".

My baby's like 4 weeks into flowering growing in the closet in my room. You can pretty much smell it 5 feet before you even go into my room.


It will start to smell, like HeavilyMedicated said the only reason there is smell of bud yet is because there is no "bud".

My baby's like 4 weeks into flowering growing in the closet in my room. You can pretty much smell it 5 feet before you even go into my room.
Like I said i'm doing LST to reduce space taken up and increase yeild, which means more buds, so more smell apparently. I heard Ozium was alright. Anything else you'd recommend, besides me going out and building some sort of filter?


Well-Known Member
Some strains smell more potent than others, some strains don't even really smell at all until they're dried and cured. All depends on the strain.


Active Member
I'm usually pissed if i spend a lot of cash on so called "dank" bud that doesn't even smell.

But DJMello you're gonna want to try to get some kind of venting outside..

Otherwise all i can suggest is a shit load of air fresheners.

OH! Hell yeah for memory! I was told by a friend whos on his 4th or 5th grow (so i'd think his personal tips would be pretty legit) to fill small cups with pine sol and put them around your grow room, maybe outside of it instead/as well. Make sure you have some kind of ventilation OUT of the room even if it's into the next room because I'm not sure but I would think the pine sol would evaporate into the air and possibly settle on your plants?

This is apparently supposed to cover up the smell pretty well.


Active Member
I am running a carbon filter, albeit a generic one. I started to smell the girls once they started pre-flowering, about 3 weeks into solid veg, not including seedling time. I am now 2 weeks into flower and the carbon filter does a pretty good job, although when the light cycle starts and the fan first kicks on it's like "mmmmm- good morning!" The rest of the day, the smell is still there, but it's like I notice it because I know it's there, but no one else says anything about it. I'd say count your blessings while you can't smell it, bc i've heard it can get really dank late in flowering.


Active Member
Smell was the biggest issue I had to keeping things stealth. You COULD put things in your grow room to cover smell, but what about the smell in the yard? That, and putting ozium, ona gel, and other things in your room could possibly change the odor/flavor of your babies, could it not? Trust me, wether or not you can smell em now, you will be overpowered should you not take precautions. You COULD be growing a strain with little smell, then again, you could be growing the dankity and that cop walking by costs you more than the best filters money can buy. I guess it all depends on your paranoia and location. First thing in the morn seemed to be strongest time for my babies too.