when will my plant bud


when will my plants bud?i live in california its summer right now mid summer..and its sonw capp how much bud will i get off one plant?


Well-Known Member
I live in the north part of usa. They start budding in mid aug, and finish around oct 1st through 7th. 45 and 55 day strains.


Well-Known Member
i live in california vantura and there snow capp ..and how much will i get on each plant?

it should start flowering just about now, it's impossible to say how much you will yield, Looks like you need to do some more reading, educate yourself.


Active Member
Best suggestion, if you got your seeds off a seed bank, it'll usually tell you the approx. yeild, either per M², or per plant. If you're growing inside, you should expect something around .5 - 3 ounces, outside, it'll be very hard to tell.