When Will Our Plant # Go Up?

When I lived on Maui a few years ago there was an excellent dispensary in Paia run by some super nice and professional dudes. You could even get clones. Nugs, hash, the works. Of course some stupid loophole in the state law meant that they got arrested and the club got closed down. Nicest guys you'd ever want to meet and some fantastic product. Damn shame. Patients Without Time. Miss you guys. Aloha.
ya I remember when that was all over the news in HI
it will probably never go up as the NED and police authorities see what Cali is doing and don't want to see that shit in their backyard. they (NED) were even introducing a bill to limit the total number of permits at one location to 3. Also, they were trying to limit eligibility by ruling out pain management as a criteria for mmj. luckily those fuckers lost, as they really have no idea what they are talking about. police chiefs and NED are living in the past, and still blowing smoke. one of their own just got busted because he got clones sent straight to him through FedEx. never never never fedex, any rookie knows that. but i digress.

caregivers is a sticky subject, there are a lot of grey areas here, also depending on what island you live, who you know, who knows you etc., but general rule of thumb is mmj person gets 4 immature/3 mature, and i believe if you are the caregiver then you only get to flower out the 3 mature, but i could be mistaken.

good luck, like everyone else that brings up the subject of trying to make it here by thinking they can live off of what they make on weed, good luck bro, you are better off in Cali where things are waaaay different. probably something like 1% of the people who think like that and move here make it, and that's because they ahve rich parents. aloha

Thank you brotha