When will people realize that Money is Evil and Money wants to become our God?

We're talking about a lot of people...including ourselves sometimes...we all buy needless things, things that we're told to buy, or are "supposed" to have

also, a lot ofpeople around the world see things differently, if you don't take the time to examine this guys evidence you cant really say anything but your opinion or belief, or make fun of him for being weird or crazy sounding :sleep:
I think the main problem we face is...

How can we remain good people when faced with the bad?

We so often use the excuse that if we didn't do it then someone else would have. That's why we have a world wide financial crisis on our hands.

We also use the ideal of the ends to justify the means but we rarely even bother to reach the ends because in reality the means WAS the ends.

So, the challenge is to learn how to be good, decent human beings without being pussies too; to walk softly but carry a big stick as it were.
Unfortunately, society is monetary based. Damn right it's part of the problem but what the fuck can we do? Unless we become nomads and learn how to hunt and shit, we're forced into this system. Everyone on the planet is. It's another way they control us. Now their fucking with the monetary system so that we'll have to work till we fucking drop dead. Sons of bitches.
i jus posted this, where do you guys find all these old as threads where half the people dont even come on any more
if u don't like money you should give me your money then go live in the wilderness...just make sure you pick a nice set of woods and stay where no one can see you! then nobody will be able to capitalize off of your community...send me a postcard I'll be thinking about you
If you really wanna know the truth ... I think its the white people that want all the money and the greed ... but not the whites that smoke pot( some).
fuck money its never done me any good I barter whenever I can, with the bartender , 7-11, burgerking, strippers lol
It's funny to watch people argue over a misquote. :D

"For the love of money is the root of all evil" - 1 Timothy 6:10