when ya 12/12 ya plants when do u start givin them bloom feed


Active Member
hi im just about to start puttin my plants on 12/12 and i dont no when to start giving them bloom feed thanks!


Active Member
I am a first-time grower so I definitely don't know for sure but I think you can give them nutes as soon as you start changing the light but I know for sure that you stop all nutes two weeks before harvest to avoid harsh tasting smoke.


Well-Known Member
Has soon has the change of light cycle in other words has soon has you put your plants into the flowering phase start feeding them bloom it is normaly a week or so before your plant is tricked into thinking its time to bloom.Feed all the way through untill the last week then put your plants on a water only this will flush any nutes from your plants giveing them a far better taste.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
I start with a small dose when i first see the start of flowers , (hairs ) then gradualy up the dose as the flowers get bigger .but i grow 12/12 from seed so i dont give any veg nutes atall .
if you have been feeding nutes through veg then you can switch to the flowering nutes straight away , id allways start with a small dose to see how they react .