when you HAVEN'T smoked weed in a couple days..


Active Member
I hadnt smoked in 3 or 4 days and I didnt really realize it (way to busy to get blazed) and I kept having fantasys of bud

In one, I climbed up this HUGE nug, like 20 feet high, and I was using the hairs on it as ropes.... And when I found a nice spot I pushed my arm into the bud and pulled out a huge piece of dried bud... I then jumped down and started a bonfire

I get really bad insomnia though, I usually dont smoke during the weekday nights because I know I have to go to school the next morning - kind of ironic though, because I fall asleep like 5 hours earlier on the weekends when I have no cares :P

Maybe I should just start blazing more to help with the sleep thing


Well-Known Member
I've been debating to take the next 1-2 days off just to lower my thc balance a bit...it seems my tolerance is higher than I would like, PLUS I get fucking sleeeeeepy around 7-9 pm and am zonked out by 10 pm.

Not sure if this has to do with the bud I've got or just that I'm so bored right now...


Well-Known Member
wat a shitty may long weekend, i haven't smoked bud since thursday. this is the longest i've went without it for a long time.. do you ever go through "withdrawl" when you dont smoke weed for a couple days?

for example, i dont have the appetite i do when i smoke weed, i can go almost the hole day without getting slightlty hungry, mean while if im high then lock the pantry because everything looks tasty. i have weird dreams too.. last night i kept dreaming about all these flowers and shit.. and the nite before that i dreamt i rolled up 3 joints, and smoked one.. and when i woke up the dream was so vivid i actually checked my drawer, only to find no joints..

enough bout me.... what are your experiances on this subject?
loss of appetite and the feeling that somethings missing :D

and dont get me started on the weird dreams, i dream the strangest fucked up shit when i dont smoke. i guess my brain processes the rest of the thc left in my body when im asleep :P
but i can only remeber really little when i wake up its like
"damn that was a weird ass dream... wait what did i dream? something about ... uh ... damn it!"