The Silver Fox
Active Member
Hey guys, I've been going through most of my bookmarks lately and I and thought I could get my hand on most any RC that I wanted, but almost all of my vendors/sites are either dead links or just a message when the store opens, or that they're on vacation or a staff member is sick. It's driving me nuts and I'm not finding any new sites by searching the usual ways with CAS or other names with quantities. I never really post in RIU, but I've been a lurker for a long time. I'm ashamed that I am not more familiar with the people in this community, I just don't have the time. I've always really wanted an SoS reference so I could be a member, that would be cool. i really just want to know whats going on with all these vendors, things use to be much more reliable. Does anyone have any info for me on whats up?