Where are all the predator insects?

Yeah man, my hops got trashed this year. I think it's grasshoppers.
We had a short bout with them. But between the sparrows and my eat anything I can catch dog, they didn't last long. Been a small Japanese beetle issue. Holes in everything. But not severe. Yes it has been a fun season so far.
No offense intended. Just very strong feelings on the subject. I have witnessed the growths, tumors, illness and suffering from prolonged exposure. Grandfather had an apple orchard. Died of cancer with boils and growths on his feet and ankles. As well as lesions on his hands, forearms and neck. All chemical induced. And all but one of the orchard and farm owners who gave me my start in the right direction are a gone due the same cancers. It does matter. And once those chemicals are on your plants. They will be there when you consume them. Look at European agriculture laws and views of over the counter poisons we use. Most are illegal there. Not bought by the chemical industry.
I don't promote chemicals, i just hate bugs and use whatever works against them. And i strongly believe the highest chance to beat them is when they are battled at an early stage. Truth be told, i never yet won that battle and have to rely on my buddy who did for clean cuts
I guess we choose to disagree. I made an attempt in earnest to help us a by informing you of my stance and reasons for it. Hopefully you will come around. But until then. Be very cautious with your pest management. And please at least contain the toxins.

Best wishes and healthy family and plants to you.
That is very kind of you and i wish you and yours the same! Pest control is just not my cup of tea, i rather get rid of them all as soon as possible, even with clear water if that works!
Indoors it's hygiene and dillegence. Outdoors it's luck and neem most often. Wouldn't be necessary if we waited to treat until we have a problem. Learned that the hard way this year. Killed or discouraged my predators when I had no real problems. It's a balancing act. ☕
The only bugs I really worry about outside are worms. First of all bud worms .. around the beginning of August I spray BT about once a week. Usually stopping half way through flower. Occasionally I will use the dead bug brew with spinosad. Without these as prevention my crop would be destroyed. Leaf eating insects aren't usually a problem as the plants grow so fast.

Well guess what...unfortunately I discovered a new enemy this spring. A few of my girls were attacked by stem borer..fml man this has been a rough year..they all survived but I had to amputate a few branches. I caught it early so I was able to remove the worms from inside the stems.
The only bugs I really worry about outside are worms. First of all bud worms .. around the beginning of August I spray BT about once a week. Occasionally I will use the dead bug brew with spinosad. Without these as prevention my crop would be destroyed. Leaf eating insects aren't usually a problem as the plants grow so fast.

Well guess what...unfortunately I discovered a new enemy this spring. A few of my girls were attacked by stem borer..fml man this has been a rough year..they all survived but I had to amputate a few branches. I caught it early so I was able to remove the worms from inside the stems.
I use nematodes. Still crazy amount of pests. I think they are becoming resistant to commercial products.
I am desperately trying to identify these little guys i have them in 2 pots that i used outdoor compost in? Any help much appreciated?20210217_124149.jpg20210217_124149.jpg20210217_135210.jpg20210217_135305.jpg20210217_135818.jpg
You need better pictures of the head, see if those are predator mandibles on a mite, or sap sucking root aphids.
Definitely not aphids i i have no damage to my plants i have had a fungus gnat problem but i only have these in 2 pots and 2 pots with out as they came in from outdoor compost i used in the 2 pots that have them, im thinking they are a predator of some kind because i had spring tails in all my bins and the bins with them have almost no spring tails as well as almost no gnats in the soil wile the other bins have many. I am currently using bti for the gnats which is starting to help. I know the picture quality is bad its all i have for now it was takin with 60x julers loop on a Samsung Galaxy 8. What ever they are they are thriving i just innockulated my other pots with them as the pots with them have quite low numbers of gnats and spring tails compared to the other pots. Appreciate your help.
hypoaspis miles bro, they eat fungus gnats
Wow i just goggled them and that is definitely 100% what they are the pictures i saw of them are spot on, they have pretty much also wiped out a coloney of spring tails and pretty much wiped out the gnats in the pots they went into, i have put a couple handfulls of top soil with them in it in my pots that never had them hopefully they breed quickly and take care of any pest in those pots as well. Great little soldiers. Im growing a long time and i always say im still learning that is an example, thanks again.
What do you guys reckon this might be?

I was trying to compare with images online and maybe thrip damage?


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