Well-Known Member
f1 , f2 etc is gonna apply to using seeds to cross different generations / phenotype of plant... nothing to do with clones. an f5 or f6 is actually a strain that has been Back Crossed to the original mom 4 or 5 times to select specific traits and limit the number of available phenotypes when she is pollinated for seed . For instance you might like a yield of a certain phenotype, so you attempt to back cross with the original mom to obtain seeds which will more frequently exhibit this trait.
When you have a clone, you have a genetic duplicate of the plant it was cloned from. I have had clones from strains that are over a decade old and managed to retain their original traits.
The plant SHOULD grow the same, given the same environmental conditions.. The reason it doesn't always grow the same is due to the way it is expressing it's genes or its epigenetics, which causes the plant to express different traits based on it's environmental inputs. A good example is plant growing in a more arid climate tends to have thinner leaves to offset the loss of humidity through the leaf stomata.
i didnt mean f anything i ment c1 or c2