Where are dispensaries going to get their meds from???

f1 , f2 etc is gonna apply to using seeds to cross different generations / phenotype of plant... nothing to do with clones. an f5 or f6 is actually a strain that has been Back Crossed to the original mom 4 or 5 times to select specific traits and limit the number of available phenotypes when she is pollinated for seed . For instance you might like a yield of a certain phenotype, so you attempt to back cross with the original mom to obtain seeds which will more frequently exhibit this trait.

When you have a clone, you have a genetic duplicate of the plant it was cloned from. I have had clones from strains that are over a decade old and managed to retain their original traits.

The plant SHOULD grow the same, given the same environmental conditions.. The reason it doesn't always grow the same is due to the way it is expressing it's genes or its epigenetics, which causes the plant to express different traits based on it's environmental inputs. A good example is plant growing in a more arid climate tends to have thinner leaves to offset the loss of humidity through the leaf stomata.

i didnt mean f anything i ment c1 or c2
jesus i cant read any more pages of this.... your a fucking idiot and obviously not a very good breeder if you dont understand that when buying seeds your looking for a elite pheno!! not all will be good or even worth keeping but there is that one prized pheno in there.REAL BREEDERS back cross the phenos they want to stabilize the recurrence of the traits they like. and your an idiot with this clone only talk.... all that means is a breeder planted his own seeds found the one pheno that was best and spread that to the public instead of letting people do it themselves. and clone onlys often get watered down over time from being cut generation to generation and thats when you start to see 1,2,and 3 fingered leafs.

so just to make this clear you know nothing about genetics and your defiantly not a breeder, or atleast not a very good one lol

Real breeders back cross? Back crossing doesn't guarantee you will pass on the traits you want. People will say if you back cross you get this percentage of this pheno, then bx again and you get this percentage. Except biology doesn't care about math, do a punnent square.

I think it was Soma that said if your plant is losing its vigor, then put it outside during the spring. Something about the spring sun having a certain spectrum that will bring the vigor back
Real breeders back cross? Back crossing doesn't guarantee you will pass on the traits you want. People will say if you back cross you get this percentage of this pheno, then bx again and you get this percentage. Except biology doesn't care about math, do a punnent square.

I think it was Soma that said if your plant is losing its vigor, then put it outside during the spring. Something about the spring sun having a certain spectrum that will bring the vigor back
Actually biology does care about math, at least as far as Gregor Mendel is concerned, and punnet squares are used to accurately calculate percentages of desired pheno/geno ratio of the offspring from a cross. There are many types of crossing that is done to selectively choose desired traits, monohybrid, dihybrid, and Incomplete dominance crosses can all use punnet squares to calculate pheno/geno ratios.(typic) ratios.

Actually the predictability of the cross using punnet squares is the basis of G.Mendels first Law (Hereditary Laws)

Actually biology does care about math, at least as far as Gregor Mendel is concerned, and punnet squares are used to accurately calculate percentages of desired pheno/geno ratio of the offspring from a cross. There are many types of crossing that is done to selectively choose desired traits, monohybrid, dihybrid, and Incomplete dominance crosses can all use punnet squares to calculate pheno/geno ratios.(typic) ratios.

Actually the predictability of the cross using punnet squares is the basis of G.Mendels first Law (Hereditary Laws)

Finally someone who was paying attention in 10th grade biology. Or maybe the canadien school system is just better than what we have here. Anyway this Guy is correct and real breeders do back cross. That's why it takes a lot of time and a very keen eye to actually breed. In my opinion and.experience, throwing some pollen.from one plant onto the flower of another plant and then calling yourself a breeder and your new seeds a new strain is an all too common falacy. Back crossing is about stabilizing a strain and if you have grown out enough f1 you will realize that they are not the best of the crosses. And the concistency is not usually there unless the strains share common lineage to begin with and then that is a whole different matter. It is great that people.wanna make new crosses, but if they want to release a strain that is consistent, unique and shows characteristics that are common in all its phenos, then you must do atleast f3s. f4,f5 and f6 are sometimes more preferable. If you are not back crossing, then you are what's known as a pollen chucker.
Oh and BTW SOMA breeds through rodelization which he coined I believe. It is leaving a female in flower long enough for her to put out male pollen sacs and then collect the pollen and pollenate a clone.of the mother. Creating a back cross of.itself.and ensuring all feminized seeds. It is the same as using colloidal silver except you let the plant produce its own male pollen sacs instead of spraying it with chemicals.
but there will always be the chance of recessive genes.
Absouloutely, any good breeders will take this into consideration and hold off releasing or labeling STABLE strain until many many generations have been produced and identify those reccesive genes as removed.

Now that Medicinal Genomics has mapped the MJ plant genes tests can easily be done in labs to slectively breed out traits on a genetic level.

Thanks for the golden pineapple bro :) stuff is absolutely amazing grower

Thanks, working on the new releases right now. Some feminized golden pineapple, Our version of NL#5, painkiller and a few other surprises.
This is our NL#5 mom.


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Well Dispensaries won't be able to buy from growers unless the growers are licensed in with the Dispensary. This poops on probably 1000 local growers dreams of selling pounds on top of pounds to Dispensaries. This won't happen unfortunately. Even clones need to be tracked through the Dispensaries system. The grow location needs to be secured by the Dispensary and monitored by the state. This won't be happening in the average growers bedroom grow. So.....

That being said. I am an agent for Dispensaries. As a cultivator my main goal is as a middle man bringing quality dispensaries together with quality Cultivators and making a happy marriage. With a goal of keeping quality meds out there for the patients, cultivators with quality employed doing something they love and Dispensaries that my group has sponsored financially supplied with quality meds and compliant. Win, Win, Win.

If you are the type of Cultivator who fits into this scenario, you should message me.

Love Dispensaries or hate them, they are coming. Either get your piece of the pie or complain about them on the internet for the rest of your life ;)

very first thing i do in any business deal as soon as possible is cut out the middleman...good luck with that:rolleyes:

Dispensaries will need to weed out the plethora of garbage growers. Non-Profits can give medicine to one another (not sure about selling product outright). It seems most of the applicants are vying for a dispensary front. The ones who are cultivating will be making the real money in this industry.

Supply and Demand, finance 101....