Where are the libs?? OBAMA WAR MONGER SENDS: Camp Lejeune Marines To Libya....

Who taught you your morals?


If killing is wrong i dont wanna be right

Lol j/k

Im just saying if killing a couple of fucks right now will save a shit load of lives and misery in the long run i say smack'em up flip'em an gun'em down :D
What hypocrisy are you on about.... Any smart military commander will want assets in place so a number of contingencies can be considered.

Have you considered taking a job with the National Enquirer? You have that touch.....

No im sayin i think its a good thing obama, france, uk and others are helping those freedom fighters in lybia. Specially when all they need is a couple of bombs and no combat troops

Im saying that the hypocracy is if this was bush doing this exact thing everyone would be screeming bloody murder and doin backflips on the bottom bunk

But since its thier boy obama, its all good pretty much.

Its selective outrage and illistartes that these people are not compelled by love of country but by blind party loyalty even to the detriment of thier own nation even, they desecrated our troops and thier mission, strickly because it was bush leading and not obama or some democrat

Its borderline traitorous

They put ego before country

I praised bush when he freed iraq and afghanistan and i praise obama for helping free lybia and even egypt

Its not coincidence they are demanding freedom all over the middle east

Once they saw iraq win thier freedom from oppression it wasnot too long before they wanted the same thing.

Its spreading like wildfire.

After the arabs free themselves and become self ruling mostly. Its just a matter of time when it happens in china

Eventually every nation on earth will determine thier own future.

And that my friends is moral fortitude