Where are you all from?

I agree I could never live in Texas, but not for those reasons.. I'm a supporter of the Death Penalty.. There are some people's actions that warrant death..not to mention the threat of death is the only thing most scumbags fear and plead out to a life sentence after they show the locations of the 4 dead women they buried.. The victims families finally get a little closure.

All that happens in states without the death penalty. Most other states have lower rates of violent crime, too- so much for that theory.

On the other hand, killing someone is a punishment you can't take back. I wonder how many INNOCENT PEOPLE Texas has murdered so far?

And why is it that people of color get put down out of all proportion to the relative number of crimes? Cuz Texas isn't at all racist, right? RIIIIIIIGHT?

Yeah, tell me another one.
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Sorry, I went n done it fer ya!
haha thats ok i just didnt wanna be the one to start it up LOL!!!!!!!

i forget sometimes i cant make comments on here because users go really political with it
i should learn to stfu sometimes.lol
death penalty just seems really extreme to someone who is born in a country where it wasnt around my entire life.
it was banned or outlawed prior to my arrival to earth so its a different ball game for me
I was born in Canada, loved in Germany until I was 5, visited Vietnam, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Australia and came to the States at 6 1/2. Worst mistake of my life, and I wasn't even the one who made it.

Now I live in Ft Collins, CO. It has lots of claims to 'nicest place to live in the US' and it lives up to most of them.

Yes, this is Colorado. No, it doesn't get that mean cold -30 here. It does in the mountains but most Coloradoans live within sight of the mountains, not in them.
haha thats ok i just didnt wanna be the one to start it up LOL!!!!!!!

i forget sometimes i cant make comments on here because users go really political with it
i should learn to stfu sometimes.lol
death penalty just seems really extreme to someone who is born in a country where it wasnt around my entire life.
it was banned or outlawed prior to my arrival to earth so its a different ball game for me

Yet more evidence Canadians are more civilized than Americans.
You shouldn't really judge people by the government that "represents" them.
I absolutely do not agree with a lotta shit other countries do, but will not judge the general populace of those countries for something they have no control over.

Lol @ not judging a democracy by its government.

So just how long did Steven Harper last as PM? Was it 8 years or more?
Unknown - I avoid politics like the plague.
It just agitates me now-adays.

Ok, I don't think he went the same 8 years as our own right wing disaster in office, Shrubbery '43. There again, the Canadian people showed better judgement than Americans.

Ten? Well, shit. So much for that argument!
canada does this
they vote liberal, get pissed off at the liberals
they vote in cons, get pissed off at the cons
they vote in liberal

and it goes on and on and on

all while the NDP party is like waving his orange flag in the back saying "hey notice me guys...hey guise,..im your buddy guise"
canada does this
they vote liberal, get pissed off at the liberals
they vote in cons, get pissed off at the cons
they vote in liberal

and it goes on and on and on

all while the NDP party is like waving his orange flag in the back saying "hey notice me guys...hey guise,..im your buddy guise"

I think the same thing happens in the US as well.

What does the pawn tell the king?
Fkn poetic, eh?

Edit: And yes, I do know I can type "Fuck" on here. :wink:
Latest Submissions in Iceland
Place Price Size Quality Date
Iceland, Country $300.00 an ounce high quality December 20, 2015
Iceland, Country $115.00 5 grams medium quality December 18, 2015
Iceland, Country $233.00 10 grams high quality October 31, 2015
Iceland, Country $220.00 an ounce low quality September 10, 2015
Iceland, Country $220.00 an ounce low quality September 10, 2015


Higher then normal but it's not too bad considering where it's at lol
from Canada > moved to Alaska > moving to Michigan than end up somewhere else within a few years

Crazy journey you've had, I don't know if I could live in Alaska although michigan isn't any better but this year we really didn't get much snow and it really hasn't even been too cold, up north is a little different, I get your prepared for our weather already haha, but welcome to michigan when you come here, did you ever used to go to my site ryan1918.com? Just curious what brings you to michigan? most people are trying to leave normally, but the housing market is really good, in my area you can get houses for 5-20k and some will need more work then others but normally paying the back taxes you own that thing which I mean you can spend 50k on a 200k house or go on the low end and spend 20k on a 80k house very easily.

Hope you like it here, even though I don't really like to be cold I don't think I would ever move even if I got rich, plus I got my family here.
@sunni if you ever need good smoke Detroit is loaded with dispensary's there's probably over 100 go to weed maps, compared to where I live there is zero, got to drive 30 mins and there is 2, flint area has more too.