Where are you guys? Am I the only one on the west coast?? (poll/comment)

Where is everyone at 9 pm PST?

  • I'm here, just not reading your boring threads...

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Lurking

    Votes: 10 55.6%
  • In bed! For me it's hours later than 9 pm

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • I actually have a life

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters
OLD?? What are you? like 27?
turning 24, but honestly too old to be working where I am now with 1 dipolma and another one currently in progress lol
I want a grown up job I generally have a passion for A CAREER
not something to just pay the bills ya know?[/QUOTE]

I know, I know. Just saying old…. Old? Honey you don't know from old. LOL. Something will come your way. The job market is tough right now. Keep trying. Um… What else? I'm watching a bizarre indie movie about some Persian Love story. Subtitles...
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3 hrs ahead. 1:00 am
bob segar ted nugent kid rock mmmm and insane clown posse are our pride on joy.

don't forget motown!
Maker's mark..Buffalo Trace. with a dash of sin fire (which is a less sweet version of the trendy fireball) Hey I'm still a girl, I need the sweet. Yum
That's bourbon Not whiskey, just saying.
I like fireball, I'm not a whiskey snob. I'll pretty much drink anything, exept Jager. Too many fights and way too many fat chicks because of that nasty shit.