where are you mothers?


Active Member
running a diy cloner and just curious as to where/how everyone keeps their mothers after that plants have matured to proper size? wanting to let the plants get to about 12inches before taking clones (read this size is suggested) and dont want to let roots get too long and let stand in water. starting from seeds so i currently have no mothers and want to let all plants mature before moving to flower as to get as many clones as possible.


Active Member
I consistently run 7-14 different strains, some for many years, and have never kept a mother.
u just clone from clones? that was my initial plan but they are taking over the cloner. branches running into branches and the roots are getting too long as i stated and sitting in the water. plants are only about 8 inches tall


Well-Known Member
I harvest 8-12 plants every two weeks now and I take cuttings from plants that are in veg but have been there for 4 weeks and are just getting ready to move to flower. This also allows for nice big cuttings that start growing faster.


Well-Known Member
I keep my moms in the same room as the Turbokloner.... right next to them actually.. running both pretty much 24/7 I give them a 4 hour break every so often.


Well-Known Member
in what? what type of setup
10x, 3.5'-4'ft moms in 5GAL Smart pots with 60% FFOF / 40% Super Soil aeration. They all are in a 5'x5' area under 2x 4FTx4BULB T5 fixtures. I feed them full strength Fox Farms Grow Big and Superthrive every other watering. I made a "hockey rink" for them to sit on with some strapping wood and that mylar plastic stuff so that when I water the runoff stays there at the bottom and evaporates quickly or I collect it with a towel squeegee it out if there's a lot. The 96 site turbo kloner sits right besides the Veg 5x5' in it's own 3'x3'x6' tent but It's lying on it's side instead of upright... I got a 4 bulb, 2FT T5 inside of the tent with kloner that runs 24/7. I keep the door on the tent draped open, let's the humidity and heat build up slightly more inside there, the clones seem to like it or don't mind it. The mother T5's shut off for 4 hours a day but the turbokloner runs 24/7. The light leaks from the turbokloner to the mothers obviously but it doesn't seem to effect anything at all. My moms grow ridiculously fast especially after taking 5-6 clones, within 2 weeks theres already huge new clones available. Clones go to the TK for 2 weeks... then off to the ebb and flow table. I don't see the point of keeping huge moms in DWC or other hydro ways when you can just keep it simple and have them in soil?
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Well-Known Member
I just can't understand why anyone would want to waste the time or space to keep mothers. It does nothing for quality


Well-Known Member
I just can't understand why anyone would want to waste the time or space to keep mothers. It does nothing for quality
How would it affect quality, if anything wouldn't the quality be better doing SOG from clone since you're just making all finger nuggets that are getting perfect lighting? Plus some strains have lots of pheno's? So once you find a mother that makes awesome bud you can guarantee it's gonna be the same quality as long as you keep cloning it, no?


Well-Known Member
In my veg tent if i have any. I dont usually keep moms. But occasionally i will grow a plant out take 20 to 30 cuts off it then flower it. I just dont have the space for moms.

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Well-Known Member
How would it affect quality, if anything wouldn't the quality be better doing SOG from clone since you're just making all finger nuggets that are getting perfect lighting? Plus some strains have lots of pheno's? So once you find a mother that makes awesome bud you can guarantee it's gonna be the same quality as long as you keep cloning it, no?
Stoner is saying no need for a mom when you can just clone the kids before they move into flower. The same results but no mon to keep healthy and take up space.


Well-Known Member
oh, i think because some people need a lot of cuts for their gardening purposes. and mother plants make this possible.
Well if you have 10 plants ready to move you would have access to lots of cuttings to root. I kept moms and its a pain in the ass IMO when not needed.


Well-Known Member
I like keeping my mothers in a 3x3 flood drain. bonsai style in straight coco 1 15 minute feed at lights on. I just top off res when needed.nute change monthly they stay perfect. saves nutes


Well-Known Member
I just can't understand why anyone would want to waste the time or space to keep mothers. It does nothing for quality
without moms, if you find a cut you like, you have to keep running it or lose it. if you keep moms you can collect a head stash and run whatever you want from your collection. The space issue is whatever; you either have the space to keep moms or you don't... a lot of people have room for moms if they want. Also, some people like to cross stuff.
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Well-Known Member
I don't have the space to keep mother plants, so I do what Double S does....take before I flower. I usually end up giving some away.


Well-Known Member
I have had some of my strains for more than 5 years and I consistently run 7-14 different strains and some of those strains came from friends who had them for manymany years before that. Its about being organized. I can take maybe 50-60 good cuttings from the plants before I put them into flower but I only need about 14 each time but sometimes I may have to do 4-5 extra just to keep strains going as I work with others.