Where can i get a cheap ph tester?


Well-Known Member
Hi, any1 know where i can get a cheap ph tester (im from the uk but can buy online)

and do i NEED one for water and for soil?

or can i jus get 1?

thank in advance!



Well-Known Member
go on grotec.co.uk.

They have a special offer. ph and ec pens for
₤35 -2 for 1. good quality to


Well-Known Member
thanks for replies, but £35 is definetly not wot i mean by cheap, my mates got one for soil, jus need one for water

and i really dont need to know about ph testers that are in a american store like lowes, cus i dont live in america.


Well-Known Member
nongreenthumb. How long you been growing for?
For a good while now.

Tap water in the uk comes out at around 6.9 ph roughly. ph for soil growing is 6.8, check out spliffy777, he's just using tapwater without phing, he got a meter from the hydro shop for 40 quid


Well-Known Member
Hey tech9374, I got one at Lowe's for $10.00. It seperately measures light, pH, and moisture, all at the click of a button. You can also order from Lowe's online.