Where can i get a Small dehumidifier?


Active Member
I posted but it was held to be approved by a mod. I think cuz I included a link to ebay. Ooops

Check out ebay though. Just type in Mini dehumidifier and you will see tons of them. The eva-dry one that has the pull out water cup in the front of it works very well. I am not sure about the little white ones that look like a filter.


Active Member
NO NO NO, do not buy it USED. You do not know what you are bringing into your garden. A dehumidifier sucks in air full of moisture. Most likely a used one has had MOLD SPORES pulled through it and that is not what you want to introduce to the garden. Even if you clean the outside its the internal parts to worry about. I would not suggest getting one used just to save a couple bucks, especially from Good Will.


Well-Known Member
NO NO NO, do not buy it USED. You do not know what you are bringing into your garden. A dehumidifier sucks in air full of moisture. Most likely a used one has had MOLD SPORES pulled through it and that is not what you want to introduce to the garden. Even if you clean the outside its the internal parts to worry about. I would not suggest getting one used just to save a couple bucks, especially from Good Will.
Whenever I have purchased something like that from GW, it was NEVER with the intention of using it "as is."
Trust me, I am the MASTER of cleaning. If I can't clean it--inside and out--I don't purchase it.
Not to mention that there are so many people that give away those things NEW.
LOL, I live on the rich side of town .....you'd be amazed at what I get there.