where can i get nutes?


Well-Known Member
Yes, you can get cheap chemical fertilizers at Wal-Mart that will grow great plants.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
I would suggest going to a hydro store or order them if you don't live near one they have way better nutes than walmart if you want good weed and the advanced nutrients 3 part jungle juice is pretty cheap and should get you through your first grow just fine its made for weed unlike walmarts crap and malassos is good for carbs for flowers cheaper then AN's bud candy


Well-Known Member
General Hydroponics has basic inexpensive nutes you can get online or any hydro store. They work great and dont cost an arm and a leg. Make sure you get some type of cheap ph meter that is a must in my opinion. Others would agree I think.


Active Member
buy them on ebay, you wont find any better prices there. I use all Advanced Nutrients products. If you buy them from a hydroponics store your gonna get raped trust me. Save gas and time, just order them on ebay to ur door most are free shipping included


Well-Known Member
Am I missing something? Why are you poeple assuming he grows hydroponically?

Anyone who says cheapo chemical ferts are crap doesn't know how to grow with them and should not comment on the subject.


Active Member
I think 'mj' specific nutes are a lot of hype. All plants are biologically the same and use exactly the same nutrients. The plant will regulate mineral quantities perfectly fine on its own as long as you keep them available in quantities that the plant can tolerate.


Well-Known Member
you don't need to grow hydro to use hydro nutes they work well in soil but are best for soilless mix's and hydro cheap nutes will work but you spen all that money on seeds lights and shit why cheap out for some miricale grow its very high in nitrogen you need to know what your doing cause that shit will burn your plants if you use as directed and a good three part has everything you need from veg to flower
Am I missing something? Why are you poeple assuming he grows hydroponically?

Anyone who says cheapo chemical ferts are crap doesn't know how to grow with them and should not comment on the subject.


Active Member
Wellll, truth is with first grow with a newbie. I would suggest get an near inert soil try black beuty , at the local nursury npk 0.05-0-0, this should be fine for sedlings as well as veg and bloom, There is a mirad of chem nutes that will grow weed, not all will fit the bill for decent production. When you begin vegitive growth,you will want a nute that will come in about even npk 15-15-15 some thing of that sort. Miricle Grow has different rateings, they do have one thats a pro formula, Well,,,,,,,thats what it says on the box. That comes in 20-20-20. I've used this with fair results, I started by mixing the recomended ratio, then I cut that by 1/4. found this to be too hot for even ful veg plants, So I took that and deluted it by half. So start at about 1/8 the bloom foods are easy to find as well shulz has one thats decent, What you are looking for here is lower n value near to equal p slightly higher than n and k, later as you get near end of bloom you can boost k with some pot ash. I find its easyier to get perolite worm castings, guano, bloodmeal, these things added to the soil above at the begining of veg, after seedlings are in there 3 or 4th set fan leafs. This is when I transplant into prepared 3 or 5 gal nursury pots (.50c- $1.00 local nursury). for the bloom process,its just simple tea,created out in my garage.With fish pump and airstone. 5 gal pickle bucket. tea guano with un-sulfured molassas, you can add other organics to suit your needs, With good ingredients, you simply can't by better nutes than this, sorry,you chemical nute junkies,but you can't. NOR will you have to go through all that riggerramoe.To chase down nutes,ebay this link bullshit that, hydro store bendover. We need a good supply house for most decent and pro equipment, I have a favorite and they treat me well. igrowhydro.com,Best online shitshop, stealth included.also some on line grow houses are clip joints, ebay is retarded stay away from anyone claiming free shipping, this means its allready added into the suposedly , lower prices. I spend aprox $12,000 annually on everything from med pouches to nematoeds. nug jars you name it what we do cost $ to make $, before I started buying wholesale dir from various manafacturers, I used IGROWHYDRO. com . P.s. forgot to mention when you do order call them dir alot of these places are like the napa store, always ask is that the best you can do price wise. I never payed cataloge $, because i did this. Almost all chem products have a shelf life, the proprieter knows this and rather than setting on nutes for a couple years they will reduce price just to rotate stock, you are probably not going to be concered about shelfing it because you will be useing it up! now I'll step aside so all the 16 year olds can tell me how big of a moron I am and don't know shit!


Well-Known Member
Miracle grow All Purpose 24-8-16 at walmart works great. Use the small spoon and only fill it 1/4 of the way the first feeding. and when you flower switch to Miracle Grow bloom booster 15-30-15 (also sold at walmart I believe) if there is a local Rite Aid, Home Depot or Orchard they carry it too. Lowes is having a Miracle Grow sale right now 10 bucks for a decent sized box.


Well-Known Member
Am I missing something? Why are you poeple assuming he grows hydroponically?

Anyone who says cheapo chemical ferts are crap doesn't know how to grow with them and should not comment on the subject.
No no no no. Are you trying to give him problems? This is his first grow why start off growing with crap?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone even asked how he was going to grow? no so why give him advice without knowing what he's gonna do. deezee what are you gonna grow in soil, rock wool, coco or dwc? and is it indoor or outdoor grow you're trying to do? if indoor what lights are you using? One thing I will say to you is stay away from miracle Gro. I've subbed this thread to help you.


Well-Known Member
No no no no. Are you trying to give him problems? This is his first grow why start off growing with crap?
The only way you wil have problems is if you feed too early or too heavy. Just be light handed with the scoop and be patient with your seedlings and you wont have problems. MG is NOT crap.....it's usually the grower that blames MG that was treating the plants like crap to begin with. This is my first grow and I haven't had any problems with MG soooo...yeah