Where can i get seeds!!!!

ok i know theres alot of seed co online but how can i legally get some online and shipped to pa is there a way
I wouldn't order as many as you can your first time...Your order could get snagged by customs then you'd be out all that $$$....Also, maybe you won't get any good phenos.....Plus, being on the weed forums you are going to come across strains that you will want to order down the line....

I suggest Herbies....Never had a problem...they ship fast, and you get some freebies too....If you have never germinated before I would use the freebies so you don't kill the seeds you paid for.
You go online, survey the menu, place your order and VIOLA, your seeds arrive. No problem in PA, your stuff comes thru NYC, Chicago is the hellhole of bean delivery.
ok so if i order online it will arrive in philly, its legal to ship to non legal states??? u know of any good seed co.
No it's not legal, but it happens daily....don't be cheap, order some beans from "The Single Seed Centre"...I have no connection to them, but it's reputable....get a few beans, learn how to grow AND clone and get on with it.
Or just wait for a bagseed to come by, or see if any of your friends have come across bagseeds that they randomly decided to keep. I grew out 3 bagseeds, 2 were females that grew very nice. I road tripped for my other seeds