Where Can I Make Money?


Well-Known Member
North Dakota is where you should be but it is brutal cold and you need a place to stay. The best thing is an RV or Trailer.Otherwise try and get a union apprenticeship. If you are any color but white your chances are great.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
i think a good trade to get into is the metal fence trade. its the trade im in and right now its booming. with no experience youll be a laborer building chainlink, wrought iron, barab wire, razor ribbon, base ball back stops any thing to do with metal fencing gates bumper posts.
the pay will just be ok at first till u show them your a good worker, and then theres a ton of money to make. side jobs all day long. might want to take a basic welding course too. that would put u in a real good place.


New Member
Start a Window Cleaning Business its rough in the beginning but once you get the hang of it you can make good money...

I average 30 - 40 an hour now


Well-Known Member
I've never had a job that paid more than $10/hour, been working since I was 15.

I'm going to look into welding, construction, oil fields, plumbing, electrician, thank you guys for the ideas.

I hear these days people in my generation should expect to change careers 3 or 4 times during their adult life, it's a little scary to get involved in something and spend a lot of time working on getting better for it to just not be profitable in the end.. that's where I sit right now.


Well-Known Member
i think a good trade to get into is the metal fence trade. its the trade im in and right now its booming. with no experience youll be a laborer building chainlink, wrought iron, barab wire, razor ribbon, base ball back stops any thing to do with metal fencing gates bumper posts.
the pay will just be ok at first till u show them your a good worker, and then theres a ton of money to make. side jobs all day long. might want to take a basic welding course too. that would put u in a real good place.
I got a couple family members that do this and they really like it.


Well-Known Member
What is a good industry to get involved in that makes a decent salary? I'm a strong, white, healthy, mid twenties young man with a high school diploma and a bit of college, a strong work ethic, I don't call in sick unless I can't get out of bed, and no felonies or anything like that on my record. Wtf can I do to make some money? Construction? Farming? ANYTHING! I'm so sick of making PEANUTS! I have a friend who just got into a car accident and she is making more than I am on disability. I feel like a slave, I feel like 90% of me isn't being utilized.
I'll pay you £20 if you toss my salad.
I work as a Union Carpenter. The work is a little labor intensive but you learn to make the material work for you, stay one step ahead of what your doing and by the time you know it your work is done. I've been at it for almost two year and making $30+. ANY Union trade will pay well as long as you enjoy what you do.


bud bootlegger
i'm a printer by trade, and my old place was paying people upwards of like $30 / hr.. the works not hard physically, you get dirty though, and when it's busy, there's lots of ot, but when it's dead, it seems to be dead..
lots of killer shit out there to print as well, newspapers, magazines, labels, all sorts of shit..


Active Member
I would suggest auto mechanics. Auto mechanics are in VERY high demand. If you have half a brain on your shoulder, and a good work ethic, you would be perfect for the industry. The better and faster you are, the more you make, plain and simple. Right now, you can expect a minimum of 50k salary at a dealership to start. Dealerships also have tuition reimbursement plans where the dealer pays for your school in exchange for you working there for X amount of time. The plan is called T.R.I.P or Tuition Reimbursement Incentive Program.
I suggest UTI- Universal Technical Institute, it's a top notch, solid school, is backed by every major manufacturer, and also is the official training school for NASCAR. They have many different campuses to choose from, but the Houston campus is the best in my opinion. They also teach motorcycle mechanics and Marine Mechanics.
The best part is, if you have never been to school and borrowed money and not paid it back, you are eligible for financial aid, and it won't cost you a dime, just some hard work and about 12 months of your time. You will get grants for most of it, and then loans for the rest. Loans aren't due until school is done, and then when you go to work for a dealership, they will pay your loans! FREE SCHOOL and a career that will earn you a very nice living.

Dude, I'm telling you, there is very high demand, and a job is basically guaranteed when you graduate. The better you do in school, the better the job offers. They also help you get a part time job while at school, like at a dealership or shop so that you can make some money in your spare time while learning even more in a work environment.
It changed my life!
Check it out http://uti.edu



Well-Known Member
Join the military,

they will hire just about anybody...just gotta make it threw basic, which will be
the shittest 3 months of your life. but well worth it in the end......dont have to make a career
out of it...just do 3 years...you will be suprised what kind of person you come out as

i wonder how many people are gonna shoot this down!!


Active Member
piplineing is a good way to go too. fucking simple work but youll bust your ass doing it and make great cash are you willing to move to a differnt part of the country for a time for work? i know some guys that live down in mexico come up here work for 5 months then just party the rest of the year down south