Where can you buy good light fittings for cfl growing in new zealand?


Active Member
ive gone to a few places and there doesnt seem to be a decent range on plus in light fittings that are decent for cfl growing.
if you know of places which are good and not overpriced please let me know!


Well-Known Member
Do any of you kiwi's know how many plants we can grow before considered a dealer??
If I were to grow 1 or 2 for example and police found out what is likely to happen?? Its all a little confusing because you hear about people growing 20+ plants and getting off with no charge except community service hours or home detention, and then someone growing 5 or 6 with a couple of empty seal bags gets 3 months in jail and charged....
I would like to understand this law a little more if any of you guys can help. Cheers