Where did you get your seeds shipped to?


Well-Known Member
yeah but ya still gotta say please...
i smoke around my mum too.... shes cool and i smoke with ma old boy and various other family members...

its good living in a non bias household :)
dont worry i dont reckon any many of anyone elses parents would really approve of it either. so i wouldnt take it to heart :)


Well-Known Member
Oh no no no its not a big deal at all. I just wish i could of grown some nice plants. Looks so fun. Especially since i setup my computer grow. Now i have a spare "computer" laying around lol.


Well-Known Member
i read a post from someone doing a computer grow.... researching it at least on rollitup....

was that you
shit i was actually intrigued by that and was going t check up on how it went one day....
was that you?????

im spewin
your idea got me thinking..

yous might say its a dumb idea (i know it is i just want to do it for fun...)

im going to get a small grow space and use candescents on some bag seed... since i have had some problems and am going to be struggling to get away with that....

so on top of that i might just figure out a little candescent setup in which i can ge a few sticks for maself in a few days...

i know theres better choices like compact fluro's butthhe candescents is just to see if i can make them applicabe in a desperae sitcho and able to keep a chronic smoker happy...

what can i say i li9ke to do experiments...

so i guess my plans are one plant without geting busted again and my little persy saver for hard times lol"


Well-Known Member
Yeah that was me. I bought the case/lights/powerstrip/glue/fans and its all set up with the lights in it and some of the back taped up and covered to prevent light. It still needs a little more work to be light proof from looking on the outside but other than that i was ready to order seeds =/


Well-Known Member
spewing that was a good idea.... since then ive seen a post somewhere of someone who did it and it worked fine....

that was a dardyiea all youd have to do is put a monitor on standby mode so it looks on "well kinda and a computer tower makes noises anyways pretty good idea if you ask me.. o live in oz so i could start inside and finish outside... making it a bitmore applicable to people over here :)

heres a +rep for the idea... and actually repecting theolds wishes..

as for the seeds order them smewhere else, under a different name....

a prepaid credit cardwouldbe your best bet.... hunt around for places that dont make you sign for it they are out there.. umm i maselfdon like the idea of money order but thats my oppinion....

ill give you a rundown on the seeds sitcho

i was dumb enough to (follow posts advice) and used my own name and address... order didnt come.... got a resend....didnt come but what did come was a letter from the afp saying they have intercepted my parcels... in this time i had another resend and this one made it.... it was sent through a diffrent mailing system which was lucky....

this fucked over my plans of getting any huge orders ever and i have to think long and hard before i order again :(

as for buying seeds the one place to never rip me or get me in trouble is pick n mix... its the main reason i like them so much and find them worth my time...

although if you live i the us thi9s info is useless to u sorry


Well-Known Member
Yeah i do live in the states so i was gonna go with attitude. I seem to have the most trust in them by doing research.


Well-Known Member
yeah i would have liked them but
they just didnt suit my needs when i tried them :(

they have an awsome selection tho