Where did you have sex for the first time?

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Tijuana Mexico!! 60 bucks the dude brought them out and they all lined up. there were about 7 of them to choose from. All dressed in thongs and see threw fish net stalkings... I was 14.. and I pointed at one in her late 20s...


Well-Known Member
Depends on what you mean by sex. In 8th and 9th grade, used to hang out at a friend's house after school and sometimes when we got high we would jerk off and jerk each other off in his room. First intercourse with a girl, in my bed when i was 16, she was 18.


Well-Known Member
cindy was her name. I was 15 she was 17. she was my best buddy's older sister (rip mike, my blood brother)it was at there house. I must have did it right, because she bugged me all summer for more.