Where did your God come from?

God is love. There is no more or less to it. All religions are interpretations of gods love through man. Jesus was an enlightened being. In living union with the Shabd. Jesus however never had any nothing to do with Christianity. Even with his disciples it was a much more of a guru, seeker relationship. His message. Love others always. Even when they cannot love themselves. The kingdom of heaven is inside each one of us and weALL can connect to the Shabd by denouncing pleasures of this physical world we inhabit temporarily. Faith is not a factor in spiritually as In religion. Because proof is in the pudding. If one can experience the creators Love and experience union with God then that alone is proof to the expierencer that God is. Nothing anyone says or has written can convince otherwise.
The laws of karma are just and fair. We all sow our our bed. Maybe not in this lifetime. But every soul has to pay up at the end. Perhaps a devout Christian may experience their form of heaven. But Christianity as all religions only have half the story and their heaven will end. Only to be born back into the cyclical exsistsnce of suffering , Birth and death.

I was raised In a living Christian home. But never truly could believe or have faith. I always wanted proof. No blindly following what another man has put into place. I have a problem with the word god. Even to this day I have mental images the old man sitting on the clouds. I often wonder if we could just spell god backwords. dog. it's easier for me to understand my place. My puppies all understand gods love. There is no judgment. No fire and brimstone. My dog doesn't care if I get high. Sin or anything. In fact god knows each am everyone one of our most intimant thoughts and greatest flaws. As yet he still loves. He is loving conscienceness. And all he wants is us to love him back and know he is. Kinda like my four legged friends.
Haha really? Ya you should back yourself up with that small animal so you could hide in the dirt from the massive astroid that destroyed almost everything on this planet.(so they say)... you must have been a cockroach tho because they are one if the only things to survive that blast haha. Why did you have to be a mammal when everything come from the same organism? You could have been anything. how is this theory so much more logical than the fact that their is a god? Smh. Dude open your eyes and mind. You don't really believe that do you? Or you gonna stick by your story that you were a rat or rodent at one time?

stop accepting what the teachers say and look up info yourself......most of my teachers were morons reading from a book

i am sticking to my guns we were once fish ....the mammal yes some small borrowing thing during dino time ....as for cockroach atomic yes but not a impact...... impact would not make fallout unless it had a radioactive core .......the killing was the lack of sun and heat and food for cold blooded beasts
stop accepting what the teachers say and look up info yourself......most of my teachers were morons reading from a book

i am sticking to my guns we were once fish ....the mammal yes some small borrowing thing during dino time ....as for cockroach atomic yes but not a impact...... impact would not make fallout unless it had a radioactive core .......the killing was the lack of sun and heat and food for cold blooded beasts
Are you reading your post? First you said you were a small black animal burrowing in the dirt with dinosaurs right? Now you say you were a fish. Someone asked earlier if I think we should have turned into elephants. Why not. You say we turned from fish to human. Hahahahaha. No teacher taught me about anything I said I researched it myself. They taught me about dinosaurs. Do I believe that? No. You do though so maybe you should do some research. So how much if the planet was actually wiped out from the impact itself? How many species survived? Only fish? What about the little black animal you were first before the fish hahaha
Are you reading your post? First you said you were a small black animal burrowing in the dirt with dinosaurs right? Now you say you were a fish. Someone asked earlier if I think we should have turned into elephants. Why not. You say we turned from fish to human. Hahahahaha. No teacher taught me about anything I said I researched it myself. They taught me about dinosaurs. Do I believe that? No. You do though so maybe you should do some research. So how much if the planet was actually wiped out from the impact itself? How many species survived? Only fish? What about the little black animal you were first before the fish hahaha

go and read your history ..........mammals at dino times were small little ground living things at the time of Dino's the most evolved animals were them (no cavemen no monkeys )
read your history books go to museum ask the ppl ?s u will see i am right

i am done with u if u can not get that simple fact u are useless in my mind ...well u make good foder but no war going on really
go and read your history ..........mammals at dino times were small little ground living things at the time of Dino's the most evolved animals were them (no cavemen no monkeys )
read your history books go to museum ask the ppl ?s u will see i am right

i am done with u if u can not get that simple fact u are useless in my mind ...well u make good foder but no war going on really
Haha why because I don't believe what you read in your history book in school? Did you know not all books are true? Are you that naive? What people do I ask? The ones who were there to witness it? I have been to a dinosaur museum. So now I know what a t-rex looked like? How is turning into a human from a fish simple? Only A simple minded person like you believe all the crap you just said. Think for yourself instead of believing everything in that book you once read.
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Haha why because I don't believe what you read in your history book in school? Did you know not all books are true? Are you that nieve? What people do I ask? The ones who were there to witness it? I have been to a dinosaur museum. So now I know what a t-rex looked like? How is turning into a human from a fish simple? Only A simple minded person like you believe all the crap you just said. Think for yourself instead of believing everything in that book you once read.

no becuase logically only one answer is right ...just like math
tring to use logic on a person that refuses to use his/her brain is a useless effort i have other things i can be doing then this with u ........the chance of learning and growing was the point of being here as u do not have that ability anymore it is waste of effort

start there no one is taken the effort to explain it to u they are just ignoring u ........i am the only one attempting because i am stubborn bastard like that

everything on this planet started from ooze ......then different sets form and from there u get all life plant to animal to fungi to insect .........if u can not see that please for the love of god never have children for the sake of the ppl yet to come no more dumb ppl please
i got that concept when i was in grade school 4 grade 9 years old
no becuase logically only one answer is right ...just like math
tring to use logic on a person that refuses to use his/her brain is a useless effort i have other things i can be doing then this with u ........the chance of learning and growing was the point of being here as u do not have that ability anymore it is waste of effort

start there no one is taken the effort to explain it to u they are just ignoring u ........i am the only one attempting because i am stubborn bastard like that

everything on this planet started from ooze ......then different sets form and from there u get all life plant to animal to fungi to insect .........if u can not see that please for the love of god never have children for the sake of the ppl yet to come no more dumb ppl please
i got that concept when i was in grade school 4 grade 9 years old[/QUOTEOk but who made this ooze?
I think this argument boils down to one basic question. How old is the planet?
We will never have a beneficial discussion without agreeing on a common reference point.

who made the ooze

intelligent design ......the ooze came out of the world forming and cooling the oceans
the math to is there a god comes out to this something behide the scenes altering the odds to make a outcome turn in the way they want

what most ppl get hung up on is the 7days thing
my veiw it could be 7 days in someone else time (time passes for each life form on it own pattern) so 7 days in gods time could be 4 trillion years in ours

but originally everything u see in life was once a star ......pure light (countless stars had to form and burn out to make the elements we know )
no becuase logically only one answer is right ...just like math
tring to use logic on a person that refuses to use his/her brain is a useless effort i have other things i can be doing then this with u ........the chance of learning and growing was the point of being here as u do not have that ability anymore it is waste of effort

start there no one is taken the effort to explain it to u they are just ignoring u ........i am the only one attempting because i am stubborn bastard like that

everything on this planet started from ooze ......then different sets form and from there u get all life plant to animal to fungi to insect .........if u can not see that please for the love of god never have children for the sake of the ppl yet to come no more dumb ppl please
i got that concept when i was in grade school 4 grade 9 years old
So it looks like you still have the same thought concept as when you were nine 9. Why would I educate myself on something that starts off with a "hypothysis" of a family tree? Sorry you wasted your time being proved wrong all the time. Accept the fact nothing in that "theory" is "TRUE". You will die without water. that is true and proven. I am dumb? You waste you time educating yourself on that "theory".
God is love. There is no more or less to it. All religions are interpretations of gods love through man. Jesus was an enlightened being. In living union with the Shabd. Jesus however never had any nothing to do with Christianity. Even with his disciples it was a much more of a guru, seeker relationship. His message. Love others always. Even when they cannot love themselves. The kingdom of heaven is inside each one of us and weALL can connect to the Shabd by denouncing pleasures of this physical world we inhabit temporarily. Faith is not a factor in spiritually as In religion. Because proof is in the pudding. If one can experience the creators Love and experience union with God then that alone is proof to the expierencer that God is. Nothing anyone says or has written can convince otherwise.
The laws of karma are just and fair. We all sow our our bed. Maybe not in this lifetime. But every soul has to pay up at the end. Perhaps a devout Christian may experience their form of heaven. But Christianity as all religions only have half the story and their heaven will end. Only to be born back into the cyclical exsistsnce of suffering , Birth and death.

I was raised In a living Christian home. But never truly could believe or have faith. I always wanted proof. No blindly following what another man has put into place. I have a problem with the word god. Even to this day I have mental images the old man sitting on the clouds. I often wonder if we could just spell god backwords. dog. it's easier for me to understand my place. My puppies all understand gods love. There is no judgment. No fire and brimstone. My dog doesn't care if I get high. Sin or anything. In fact god knows each am everyone one of our most intimant thoughts and greatest flaws. As yet he still loves. He is loving conscienceness. And all he wants is us to love him back and know he is. Kinda like my four legged friends.
I am afraid you are wrong on just about everything you just said except for a couple things about the puppies.
So it looks like you still have the same thought concept as when you were nine 9. Why would I educate myself on something that starts off with a "hypothysis" of a family tree? Sorry you wasted your time being proved wrong all the time. Accept the fact nothing in that "theory" is "TRUE". You will die without water. that is true and proven. I am dumb? You waste you time educating yourself on that "theory".

genetic testing proves this Idea is correct ......testing that can be repeated and done by any lab anywhere getting the same results

so what are u saying .......u can not admit u are wrong ....and just need to be this way do to flawed logic ....ok i understand
Whats is wrong with a theory?
It was once a "theory" that if you dont have water you die. Then someone proved it to be a law.
Some things are just way harder to prove.
All laws come from theories.
who made the ooze

intelligent design ......the ooze came out of the world forming and cooling the oceans
the math to is there a god comes out to this something behide the scenes altering the odds to make a outcome turn in the way they want

what most ppl get hung up on is the 7days thing
my veiw it could be 7 days in someone else time (time passes for each life form on it own pattern) so 7 days in gods time could be 4 trillion years in ours

but originally everything u see in life was once a star ......pure light (countless stars had to form and burn out to make the elements we know )
Is this the "data" you have "observed" in you "hypothesis" smart guy. It is 40 miles to my moms house. this is true. how do i know I been there and checked it on the way. Anyone ever been to a star? So what are you are saying is this true? or is it an "educated" guess you just come up?
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Whats is wrong with a theory?
It was once a "theory" that if you dont have water you die. Then someone proved it to be a law.
Some things are just way harder to prove.
All laws come from theories.
Actually it has always been a fact that if you don't have water you will die. Nobody had to prove anything and it is not a 'law'.

Laws do not come from theories. Theories are ideas yet to be proven and law is a system of rules that are enforced by social institutions to govern behavior.
genetic testing proves this Idea is correct ......testing that can be repeated and done by any lab anywhere getting the same results

so what are u saying .......u can not admit u are wrong ....and just need to be this way do to flawed logic ....ok i understand
No it does not. You said that i was dumb? when have they ever proved a fish to turn ito a human? or that you can just add our dna that is missing from the ape to the ape and make a human? Wow wtf is wrong with you lol.
Actually it has always been a fact that if you don't have water you will die. Nobody had to prove anything and it is not a 'law'.

Laws do not come from theories. Theories are ideas yet to be proven and law is a system of rules that are enforced by social institutions to govern behavior.

Not judicial laws, we are talking about science.

You are confusing a fact with a law.

The term fact is kind of a misnomer in this case. We are talking about theories and laws. Something can be a "fact" historically and still not have much to do with science. This conversation was about evolution and creation so I used the term "law" as it relates to science.

All laws come from theories.

How are you so sure that if you dont have water you will die?
Have you tried to test this for yourself?
Anyone who believes the Bible says the earth was created in 7 days is ignorant of what the Bible says. You must dig deeper to see that in Genesis 1:2 when it says "The earth was without form and void", the word "was" can also mean "became" as it is used in other places (Check H1961 In Strong's Concordance). The earth was rejuvenated at the time of the first part of Genesis after the angels had destroyed the original creation of earth. Some of the things in the Bible aren't right on the surface. So just keep repeating the misconceptions of idiotic mainstream christianity (satan's false religion using the name of christ).

The Supreme Creative Accomplishment
God assigns angels responsibilities, but God created within them MINDS--WITH POWER TO THINK, TO REASON, TO MAKE CHOICES AND DECISIONS!
But there was one super-important quality that even God's creative powers could not create instantly by fiat--the same perfect, holy, righteous CHARACTER inherent in both God and the Word!
This kind of character must be DEVELOPED, by the CHOICE and the INTENT of the one in whom it comes to exist.
So mark well this super-vital truism--that perfect, holy and righteous character is the supreme feat of accomplishment possible for Almighty God the Creator--it is also the means to his ultimate supreme PURPOSE! His final objective!
But HOW!
I repeat, such perfect character must be developed. It requires the free choice and decision of the separate entity in whom it is to be created. But, further, even then it must be instilled by and from the Holy God who, only, has such righteous character to endow.
But what do we mean by righteous character?
Perfect, holy and righteous character is the ability in such separate entity to come to discern the true and right way from the false, to make voluntarily a full and unconditional surrender to God and his perfect way--to yield to be conquered by God--to determine even against temptation or self-desire, to live and to do the right. And even then such holy character is the gift of God. It comes by yielding to God to instill HIS LAW (God's right way of life) within the entity who so decides and wills.
Actually, this perfect character comes only from God, as instilled within the entity of his creation, upon voluntary acquiescence, even after severe trial and test.
I have devoted a few paragraphs to this point because it is the supreme pinnacle means in God's overall PURPOSE!
Now as to the prehistoric angels: God 1)created them with minds capable of thinking, reasoning, making choices and decisions with self-will; and 2) revealed plainly to them HIS TRUE AND RIGHTEOUS WAY. But God of necessity allowed them free moral agency in accepting God's right way, or turning to contrary ways of their own devising.
What was God's ULTIMATE OBJECTIVE for the angels? Beyond question it is that which, now, because of angelic rebellion, has become the transcendent potential of humans!
As the testing ground, and opportunity for positive and active creative accomplishment, God created--brought into existence--the entire vast material universe.
First of all, God had created angels. After that, and for angels and for humans who were to be created later, God formed and brought into existence the earth and the entire universe.
God now created not only matter, but with and in it energy and such laws as man has discovered in the fields of physics and chemistry. God formed matter to be present in both the organic and the inorganic states.
And so we come now to that which is revealed in Genesis 1:1: "In the beginning [of the physical universe] God created the heavens and the earth." These are material and physical.
As previously stated, in the Authorized Version will be found the word heaven in the singular. But this originally was written by Moses in Hebrew. And in the Hebrew the word is in the plural--heavens--thus including not only our earth, but the entire material UNIVERSE.
It is therefore indicated that at that time--after the creation of angels--the entire universe was brought into existence at the same time as the creation of our earth. I find strong indication of this in other biblical internal evidence, and also it is definitely stated in Genesis 2:4.