where do i go from here?


New Member
hi everyone, ive been smoking for years and wanting to do my own grow for a while. i finally went out and got myself the gear for an indoor crop and some seeds but i dont know where to go from here? can anyone chuck in some ideas? greatly appreciated guys:)
Well lets start with what equipment did you buy to grow? Are you growing in soil or hydroponic? Are you going straight organic or synthetic nutrients? What type of lighting are you using? Many questions before I can help you


New Member
Well lets start with what equipment did you buy to grow? Are you growing in soil or hydroponic? Are you going straight organic or synthetic nutrients? What type of lighting are you using? Many questions before I can help you
thanks for getting back to me so quick. i bought a 1.2 x 1.2 x 2.0 grow tent with a 600w HID lighting system with a 6" extractor fan and carbon filter and a 5" intake fan and a 4 pot wilma system. im still unsure which media and nutrients to use yet hence why im here.


New Member
Yes that's a great website, lots of good pointers and very easy to understand. What kind of gear did you get? How big is your growing area? What kind of strain are you going to grow?
got a 1.2 x 1.2 x 2.0 grow tent, 600w HID light and a 4 pot wilma system. i have already bought afghan kush feminized but now not a 100%. other ideas on strains will be good too and where to buy them from?
thanks for getting back to me so quick. i bought a 1.2 x 1.2 x 2.0 grow tent with a 600w HID lighting system with a 6" extractor fan and carbon filter and a 5" intake fan and a 4 pot wilma system. im still unsure which media and nutrients to use yet hence why im here.
Well you are gonna get alot of people with different opinions especially when it comes to nutrients. I can only tell you what I prefer and some may agree and or disagree but I have gotten great results. So for Nutrients I go with General Organics Line of Nuts and for Media I prefer coco coir. I hope this helps you


Active Member
Just finishing my first grow and coco/perlite mix is a,super easy medium to deal with as,are dyna-gro nutes, cheap and super simple. Also get smart pots if you can

Maat Aatack

Well-Known Member
got a 1.2 x 1.2 x 2.0 grow tent, 600w HID light and a 4 pot wilma system. i have already bought afghan kush feminized but now not a 100%. other ideas on strains will be good too and where to buy them from?
It sounds like you are equipped to succeed. my current grow is in soil.

Maat Aatack

Well-Known Member
have you tried hydro? if so why have you moved to soil what was the reason ? which do you think is the best for a beginner? soil coco or hydroponics?
Soil is very forgiving. It just kind of depends what kind of commitment your schedule allows. With any growing substrate however (dirt, coco, what have you) there are some things you need to absolutely keep track of. It appears from my limited experience that hydroponics in any form is more demanding from both an intensity and involvement perspective: gotta keep a closer eye on more variables. . . More to go wrong with both gear and plant care. With soil I feel that if a problem is noticed, there is a longer period of time to react.


Well-Known Member
have you tried hydro? if so why have you moved to soil what was the reason ? which do you think is the best for a beginner? soil coco or hydroponics?
If I were you I would start in soil. It is much more forgiving and you can learn how the plants react to different changes. Also if you wanted to go coco or hydro you would have to buy an ebb and flow or flood and drain, or any other hydro system. These require pumps, tubing, reservoirs, ect. The list goes on and on. I would start in soil, and start reading up to learn the ins and outs of hydro.

Maat Aatack

Well-Known Member
If I were you I would start in soil. It is much more forgiving and you can learn how the plants react to different changes. Also if you wanted to go coco or hydro you would have to buy an ebb and flow or flood and drain, or any other hydro system. These require pumps, tubing, reservoirs, ect. The list goes on and on. I would start in soil, and start reading up to learn the ins and outs of hydro.
What he said. The only surprise I had when moving through this first grow in a while was the price of soil! I dropped about 3 bills on dirt in my move to the flowering room!!