Where do i put all the rubbish trimmings and roots


Well-Known Member
Hey im new to growing and just want to know where people dispose of the plants roots and rubbish trimmings so you dont get caught?


Well-Known Member
Store all of your trimmings my friend, a`ziploc bag or tupperware container will hold all or most of your trimmings and once they break down and decompose, the compost is great for feeding your plants again. I always try to keep a compost bag, the pre-existing nutrients in the leaves and compost juices can be pretty beneficial as an organic supplement. Happy growing



Well-Known Member
KushCanuk.. where do you store this bag/tupperware container? I would think the trim would get fairly warm decomposing?


Well-Known Member
My first grow so I do not plan on making hash etc... It is also a hydro grow so no compost pile.

I bag them up in small bags and then toss them in the trash cans around town. The gas station the cans going into my building for work, the trash cans in my parking deck....

I just make sure there is no receipts or anything like that in the bags before I start putting cuttings, leafs etc... in them.

Never put them in your trash. never never never

Brick Top

New Member
I live by some woods and in the past when I grew a lot, if it was summer, I would take them and dump them in my lawn close to the woods on a day I was going to mow the lawn and then I could just roll over them a few times each time chopping them up more and blowing then towards the woods and by the time they got there you couldn’t tell them from the grass clippings. In the winter I would just hack them up somewhat good and toss them in the woods sort of spread out around a big pile of sticks that I always add to and they would soon break down enough to sink in and be hidden and before long there was nothing at all visible that would make anyone who happened to look there wonder about anything.

If you live in some city and are paranoid just put on some latex gloves or work gloves or something so there are no prints and put it all in a thick trash bag and hit the closest dumpster at a time when few if any people are around and have a few other gags of regular trash so all seems normal and if possible do it when you know the dumpster will be emptied the next day.

If you live in the country where you can burn things get a pile of sticks and light them and then toss on your scraps. I have known people who in the winter got a good hot fire going in their fireplace and then tossed in their scraps and up in smoke they went.

I used to know one clown that would lift the lid on his septic tank and toss them in. If it ever needed to be pumped by then they would have either broken down or become indistinguishable and even if they were just tossed in who can see what is being sucked up from down there in the dark and they just end up in a big tank along with a bunch of other matter from other people’s tanks and who knows what came from where if when the tank is emptied something is seen?

There are a million ways to do it safely. Just think a little about your situation and surroundings and then pick what seems best.


Well-Known Member
Fire always is my method of choice for destroyin evidence.

Root balls I just throw in the trash. But anything visually identifiable as a pot plant, I burn.


Well-Known Member
by trash i meant anything from the plant that i cannot use, im abit paranoid at just dumping them or walking around with them, ill try and find a dumpster or somewhere to toss them. thanx guys


New Member
Be careful using dumpsters that belong to other people/businesses. Most cities have laws against that. In my city, the fine is $1000.00. Plus, if the cop that catches you checks your bag out ... you'll be in the bag. ;-)



Well-Known Member
is there any kind of weed killer/ plant killer that i can use on the rubbish so i can just dump them in the woods?