where do you get your rockwool ?

oilfield bud

Well-Known Member
Hey I know about the best deals thread but I figured i would grab a couple more ppls atention this way. My question is where so you get your rockwool ? Specifically 4x4x4 cubes and bulk bags of the mini cubes ? Thanks

redi jedi

Well-Known Member

It could be cut into 3" cubes provided you dont squezze the fuck out of it while cutting...or you could get real ghetto and not even bother cutting it into cubes.


Well-Known Member
?????? Why use it all-------what function does it serve ???????

I suppose that depends on the process design------and if unless the grower is just comfortable using it,fine

However; if not-----lots of different methods for doing so.

Are there better options available?------For me-----yes. But to each his own.
