where do you guys sell your spare equipment?


Well-Known Member
Evening all! To make a long story short im looking to unload some of my "extra" gear that i no longer use,some general stuff like fans, tents, and decent led's as well as some more specialty stuff like an ebb and flow controller unit. Anyway i see a few people, not many, posting this stuff on craigslist or facebook marketplace but im paranoid to put it out there like that.. sure nothing illegal about owning grow equipment, could be used for growing anything right? well i fear the person that would use my name to look me up, find where i live, and rob me (or try anyway).. or the person from craigslist who turns out to be an officer/agent who detains me while they get a search warrant for my property based on "probable cause". I considered ebay but still.. return address.. am i just being an overly paranoid nutjob? idk, but curious if theres maybe a dedicated website/forum for guys like us to sell/trade gear, perhaps a subforum on this site even that ive yet to stumble on??
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hmm I have used craigslist a lot since moving to colorado but I get where you are coming from, back when I was in Missouri I woulda been too paranoid that a cop would make a purchase from me, get my plates and start trying to find my grow. They would stake out the hydro store in town and get plates, find your address, pull utility records and check your trash at the curb. Knew a dude that got busted like that. So I just sold equipment to other grower friends that I knew.
hmm I have used craigslist a lot since moving to colorado but I get where you are coming from, back when I was in Missouri I woulda been too paranoid that a cop would make a purchase from me, get my plates and start trying to find my grow. They would stake out the hydro store in town and get plates, find your address, pull utility records and check your trash at the curb. Knew a dude that got busted like that. So I just sold equipment to other grower friends that I knew.
Its been so nice to be able to buy stuff local. I got a like new bluelab guardian off a dude in denver for $50. his wife didnt think it was going to smell that much lmao. Got a hell of a deal on a young 1/4hp chiller from a dude downsizing to get legal. Grabbed a few really good local deals. I always get a good laugh at the guys selling a whole bus or storage locker full of lights though.

OP I personally am on the paranoid nutjob side of things and wouldnt trust local. Id try ebay and whatever you can ship through.
I always get a good laugh at the guys selling a whole bus or storage locker full of lights though.
Well I have seen a lot of those, someone selling out their grow. Thats about the only way to get a dehumidifier in colorado without special ordering it or just purchasing it online. Nobody but growers and flood cleanup companies use those here.

I also snagged a chiller on craigslist, just saw it for 100 bucks, 1 HP, got to see it run. Didn't even need it but couldn't pass on that price. I am sure I will find a use for it someday lol.

When I first moved to Colorado there was a place up in denver that was a grow shop it was down by the convention center if my memory serves me correct, they also ran a commercial grow, but they also had a section of their warehouse that was used gear. They even sold used bulbs for $5 each lol, of course they were only used one cycle <wink> Ballasts $50 bucks for the 1kW HPS core and coil. You could find a thing or two in there but most of it was just obsolete wore out garbage. Still though, if someone was on a tight budget they could set something up at a fraction of the cost and make it through a run to get some cash to buy real gear. Of course those days when one run could easily cover the cost of your grow setup, utilities and all, and make a tidy chunk of profit without going out of state.
I used to sell things on Craigslist but here in Denver it’s full of super cheap stuff. My wife was just bitching about all the equipment I have in storage. There used to be a grow store that picked it up but they closed.

I am thinking on just packaging it up for super cheap or just giving most of it away to new folks.
Evening all! To make a long story short im looking to unload some of my "extra" gear that i no longer use,some general stuff like fans, tents, and decent led's as well as some more specialty stuff like an ebb and flow controller unit. Anyway i see a few people, not many, posting this stuff on craigslist or facebook marketplace but im paranoid to put it out there like that.. sure nothing illegal about owning grow equipment, could be used for growing anything right? well i fear the person that would use my name to look me up, find where i live, and rob me (or try anyway).. or the person from craigslist who turns out to be an officer/agent who detains me while they get a search warrant for my property based on "probable cause". I considered ebay but still.. return address.. am i just being an overly paranoid nutjob? idk, but curious if theres maybe a dedicated website/forum for guys like us to sell/trade gear, perhaps a subforum on this site even that ive yet to stumble on??

Local grow shop here sometimes sells used equipment on consignment if it is good condition.

Ebay is alot more anonymous than craigslist. Put the buyer's address in the return spot. Set up an account separate from your normal with a separate email. Sell with no returns, no refunds. If there is a claim, let it go through Ebay system.

Sometimes pawn shops and flea markets sell on consignment as well.

Good luck.