Where do you ride the intertubes??

Yes sir I do read tablature no problem... so you learn it by visual map of the keys through a synth program? Man that sounds interesting. What program do you do it in?

I'm checking out the vids now, thanks!
Yes sir I do read tablature no problem... so you learn it by visual map of the keys through a synth program? Man that sounds interesting. What program do you do it in? Or do the videos just contain a visual guide right in them that someone captured from their own synth prog?

Yeah visual map of keys, lots of stopping, learning that part, moving on. I haven't ever hooked my digi up to a computer. From the pics, you can see it's pretty easy to just watch the monitor while I play, so no need for that. Here is a link to the Linus and Lucy tutorial, it should 'splain things. For this song, I started on a version that played at 50%, it moved to fast for me at first.

Yeah visual map of keys, lots of stopping, learning that part, moving on. I haven't ever hooked my digi up to a computer. From the pics, you can see it's pretty easy to just watch the monitor while I play, so no need for that. Here is a link to the Linus and Lucy tutorial, it should 'splain things. For this song, I started on a version that played at 50%, it moved to fast for me at first.


Woah, yeah, that looks a lot easier than the ones where it' sjust a guy playing the piano... I like how you can see the next hits coming ahead of time like I'm playing guitar hero or something ;)
Coolies... I'll start checking those out more often. Maybe I can learn how to actually play some of these songs instead of just improvisationally arpeggiating the chords throughout the songs, heh.
it's an hp, the monitors are dell.

that's not a recent picture, i've posted it before. my place is a fucking mess.
It's the fortune cookie from the day I met my wife. Things are turning for the bright side.

oh oh and what about the "back to basics" book? what's that? huh? huh? huh?

i'm just kidding, but i've been scoping out pictures of the desks on here looking for something funny...

like a fleshlight.
It's the fortune cookie from the day I met my wife. Things are turning for the bright side.

I was going to ask, "Well what does it say?" ROFL. I thought you were just expressing that you recently met your wife and your life turned around or something. Then I realized you had italicized the last line. Yay weed! :eyesmoke: