where does everyone store theyre seeds?


Well-Known Member
i have some beans i wanna put away for a little while what and where is the best to do with them? should i vacuum seal them and put them in the fridge?


Well-Known Member
no, the fridge has too high of a humidity. a cool, dry, dark place will keep them poppin' fresh for longer. i've heard you can also freeze them, but i wouldn't suggest it.


Well-Known Member
no, the fridge has too high of a humidity. a cool, dry, dark place will keep them poppin' fresh for longer. i've heard you can also freeze them, but i wouldn't suggest it.

You don't want them in the fridge or other high humidity place as they'll start to condense moisture and get slimy...not good.

I have a strain that the seeds are over 5 years old...and just popped some to see if they'd grow. Very lucky for me as the strain is extinct now. :)


Well-Known Member
i use these little stone jars i picked up at a mall somewhere in this middle eastern store..
they were only like 7 bux a piece, no where near as expensive as the ones here, but the same thing, works awesome....


Well-Known Member
medicine bottle and in the safe
longest I went was 3 years and had a very good germ rate


Well-Known Member
I have stored seeds in fridge for a long time. ( i know , i know )
But, they are in a snap lock, in side a air tight tupperware and inside the vegetable crisper. As that is how I have stored veggy seeds for years, old habits die hard I suppose.
I have had seeds for yrs that still germ quickly !


Active Member
Envolope in my desk drawer with stuff piled on them. They're 3 years old and still getting a 1 in 2 germination rate. Supreme Skunk.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I freeze mine and only take them out long enough to get what I want to plant. I also do the same with my garden vegetable seeds. I freeze them in their packets.
I have never had any issues doing that, and I hear vegetable seed producers freeze their seeds in between seasons.

I agree that a fridge would have too much humidity.


stick em in the fridge, they will b gd for a few year as long as fridge frost free. keepin at room temp they prob gd up to a year!