I think im a pretty good specimen for this.
I almost tottally and completely obliterated my flower consumption back in july and converted to the church of bho. Previous to that 99.9% of the bud i smoked would be in a bong with a carbon filter.
Since july ive only smoked the odd weed joint, probably less than 20 whole ones, and had a handful of bong rips.
I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever eeeeeeeeeeeeever cough out crap, ive stopped coughing shit since like august/september. And prevoius to that i would a small amount, maybe like 3 or 4 times a week id cough up some hackery. Now the hackery i cough im sure is sooo rare and has to be from second hand cig smoke from clubs and shit.
I prolly go thorugh a half ounce of bho a month too, so fairly heavy user espoecially for spanish standards lol