Where have you traveled? Did you take weed with you? If not did you buy? where? how?


Well-Known Member
you probably won't see the dogs in US airports. as picasso mentions, they are walking along the luggage treadmills out of your view sniffing for bombs and drugs.

if you travel a lot you may note that your luggage is checked by FFA more often as the odor of weed permeates your clothes packed in the suitcase.

you may get away with it but be aware you are taking a huge risk. Especially be aware if you come from one of the grow/weed friendly states since you may have become more complacent about the prohibition.


Well-Known Member
I tried buying weed in gettysburg usa from a redneck hillbilly but i guess the lord has brainwashed him.
ROFL! Gettysburg? I used to live there. Fucking everyone and their mom smokes weed, cept it's always shitty stuff. The few people that don't though always seem to be really against it.


Well-Known Member
Ive pretty much did exactly what DocD brought back like 14grams of some super stinky weed from amsterdam to the states ill tell you what though I was pretty scared cause the guy before me was caught out pretty quick man and they gave him like 3 times to admit guilt.

Luckily though I seen him later at the ATM getting his money for a big ass fine he had to pay but I dont think he was being arrested (he had tons of seeds and then they found the pot in his undies hahah)


Well-Known Member
I use a oven bag, stuff it full, strap it to my inner thigh throw on a pair of sliding pants and off i go, hell i even get thought airport "security" with a lighter in my pocket.....


Well-Known Member
My daughter (who just finished her second year of law school) was traveling with a switchblade. (she collects knives) She totally forgot about it until she was ON the plane and wanted to get something out of her purse. It was 5 inches long. She said she started shaking when she realize what she had done.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
I take weed everywhere I travel....In fact, Im leaving for Philly this sat. and you best believe an ounce is going in my suitcase:hump:


Well-Known Member
how do you do it Zekedogg? I took more drugs into Jamaica than I have anywhere else and I was glad that I did. My driver wanted to take me on a tour of a farm but I ran out of time. Thinking about going back. The world Reggae festival is in July and it cost me around $1200 for airfare from LA and 5 nights at the Ritz Carlton plus a VIP pass to the festival which meant I was backstage with the artists the whole time. What a great time.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
how do you do it Zekedogg? I took more drugs into Jamaica than I have anywhere else and I was glad that I did. My driver wanted to take me on a tour of a farm but I ran out of time. Thinking about going back. The world Reggae festival is in July and it cost me around $1200 for airfare from LA and 5 nights at the Ritz Carlton plus a VIP pass to the festival which meant I was backstage with the artists the whole time. What a great time.
Honestly dude I just vacuum seal it and put it in my check in baggage....Ive never had a problem...I also put a copy of my medical mary papers...Although other states dont acknowledge except Montana I guess it cant hurt...Ive been traveling with bud for years now...When I was big on heroin, I would fly to philly and cop a brick and just put it in my suitcase...Its not really as risky as people think or else Ive been lucky


Well-Known Member
I feel the same way. I think they smell fear and I just don't have any for some reason. My karma is good and I don't think that's the way I'd go down. I think law enforcement has much more to do than worry about us especially if we're cool about it. Act like a dick and they'll find any excuse to take you down. I think that's what the new cell phone law is about. An excuse to pull dicks over and find other bad things they're doing.


Well-Known Member
I try not to act like a dick but over 1/2 the time i get pulled aside for extra special attention and my luggage nearly always has one of those - "we've gone through this bag and approved it" notes.

i guess everyone else has all the good luck.


Well-Known Member
I try to be subtle in everything I do. I drive a black late model mercedes because everyone does in LA and I don't stand out. I have those very typical black suitcases too. I almost bought a really cute one today but then I thought it looked like "oh, steal me first, I must have good stuff inside"


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Ive recieved the same letters in my suitcase before and my bud was still there....They are not looking for drugs, they are looking for terrorist shit:hump: Im just saying they must not have done a thorough search if they didnt find the chronic


Well-Known Member
with all the stuff we have to worry about, I CAN'T BELIEVE WE HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT THIS! How is MJ still illegal????


Well-Known Member
I'm in our nations capitol right now where there are almost as many cops as citizens and no problems.