Where in N California has H2O2 for sale please ?


Active Member
Hi there

Quick question for you N Californians (or anyone else who knows)...

Where can I buy H2O2 in northern California (preferably 50% strength).

Thanks all !


Active Member
yeah. any hydro store/website . I think they only sell 35% though

The local hydro store is telling me that it got pulled off the shelves in California.

Since that didn't seem right, thats why I asked here to check and see if anyone else ran into that problem and how they resolved it.

Anyone have any knowledge about where to buy some? Preferably in N California but anywhere online should also work.

Thanks again to all who read this and double thanks to those who take the time to reply.


Well-Known Member
It is super scarce out here as well, my store told me they can't import it from Canada anymore. Please post a link if you find it anywhere


Well-Known Member
The local hydro store is telling me that it got pulled off the shelves in California.

Since that didn't seem right, thats why I asked here to check and see if anyone else ran into that problem and how they resolved it.

Anyone have any knowledge about where to buy some? Preferably in N California but anywhere online should also work.

Thanks again to all who read this and double thanks to those who take the time to reply.
Hmm, I had not heard anything about CA banning super oxy, but I checked a website right now, and it says not available in CA. Why would they ban hydrogen peroxid? I dont get it. ANyway, you could try this site I guess http://www.thegardendepotinc.com/2512.html