Where is best place to get supersoil

Actually i found a place called Nutrient bomb they created a charge pack with everything in it already im just gonna grab one from them i didnt know anyone made a charge pack with everything in one bag to make your own supersoil at home easy glad i looked. Thx though
Kindsoil imo or buildasoil are both good

Please understand a nutrient pack added to a crap soil will still be crap soil!

I highly recommend building your own. I did it for my first grow and it simplifies everything after you start. Understanding what goes in allows you to modify it for future grows and work on a perfect soil.

It seems like a lot to learn and do but its about 3 hours work once you have the materials.

If you buy round 1 think of reusing it for round 2 after doing some simple amending.
Actually i found a place called Nutrient bomb they created a charge pack with everything in it already im just gonna grab one from them i didnt know anyone made a charge pack with everything in one bag to make your own supersoil at home easy glad i looked. Thx though
Link to product? Funny that you told me to skip the hassle of coco and that I should use super soil and this product you're pushing. Any experience at all behind your recommendation? I'd assume that you would know where to get your super soil... why not switch to coco. It's actually far less hassle than what you are planning
Supersoil is good because you simply water the plants. Its that easy if done right.
I do get that, but it rarely is that easy. Many posts of people getting it wrong. I grew in soil for quite a few years, buying many different amendments and mixing large batches. Following all kinds of different recipes...I've just started using coco and the results are insane, in just 2.5 gallons of medium, I'm outdoing every single one of my soil grows. Hands down. I really cant say any more than that. I'm knocking it only because I've tried it
i haven't personally used Kind soil, but have a friend that is doing a side beside comparison of some 9lb hammer grown in regular fox farms soil with liquid nutes and one grown in nothing but kind soil. Wont have results for a while though. If you read the reviews on amazon though, people who use kind soil absolutely swear buy it. Basically transplant and water until harvest. The results look impressive, the only thing turning me off is the price. I'd much rather just make my own blend.
I do get that, but it rarely is that easy. Many posts of people getting it wrong. I grew in soil for quite a few years, buying many different amendments and mixing large batches. Following all kinds of different recipes...I've just started using coco and the results are insane, in just 2.5 gallons of medium, I'm outdoing every single one of my soil grows. Hands down. I really cant say any more than that. I'm knocking it only because I've tried it
There is a definite lack of control using supersoil. On good days i think of myself as a Sun Tsu follower who has already won the battle before it is fought...i built the soil already, and feeding the plants seems a big challenge for newbies.

On lesser days i can see the value in coco in that you can influence what its doing much more directly, and it grows a lot faster.

But every soil grower who reamends says it gets better every round...and I will say it seems true.

Since you tried it already, I will be interested to see you get to the finish and comment on quality in addition to speed. I have no qualms about how someone grows, i just like learning.